10 Signs You Have a High Emotional Maturity

Everyone grows old but not everyone grows up.

Would you agree?

As you age, you grow in different ways, from the physical developments of puberty & adulthood to the internal changes happening in your thoughts and emotions – often called emotional maturity.

The most popular definition of Emotional Maturity is from the American Psychological Association, which describes it as a “high and appropriate level of emotional control and expression.” 

Moreover, a November 2019 peer-reviewed research from the International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) revealed that emotional maturity is positively correlated to the family environment. Therefore, your level of maturity greatly varies from others due to your differences in upbringing and personal experiences in life.

In general, you are considered emotionally mature when you can handle your emotions very well and can cope successfully with almost every curveball thrown at you. However, to help you identify with it better, here are 10 Signs You Have a High Emotional Maturity. 

1. You accept that your emotions are valid and normal.

Your feelings are there for a reason and you know that. Whatever it is, you understand that they exist to tell you something and that it is perfectly okay to let these emotions come and go.

2. You are self-aware of your emotional triggers and respond better to them.

You have a high level of self-awareness and are able to identify situations or people that trigger the uncomfortable feelings within you and because of that, you are able to approach these moments with more thought and calm which avoids them from escalating into an exhausting episode.

3. You take responsibility for your actions and inactions.

You have no problem in being accountable for your words and behaviours and are not afraid to apologise for your mistakes because you know that nobody is perfectly able to handle their emotions all the time and when you can’t, there is always a chance to do better the next time.

4. You communicate yourself clearly and confidently to others.

People will receive no confusion from you because you express yourself clearly and can even be very compelling due to the self-confidence you display and the way you carry yourself during conversations. 

  1. You know how to set healthy boundaries with yourself & with others.

You know when and how to say No. Even to yourself. Creating boundaries can be very challenging, especially for most people. However, in your case, you are brave enough to leave the table when you feel respect and kindness are no longer served. 

Self-Knowledge is the first step to maturity.

– Jane Austen
  1. You do not waste time dwelling on emotions that do not serve you. 

As cliche as it sounds, Life is indeed short. And it is better spent welcoming positivity rather than wallowing in your sorrows. It does not mean you deny or ignore your feelings but rather, you acknowledge them, let them flow through you and then you move on. 

  1. You provide a safe space for others to express themselves fully. 

People tend to love your company because you are a great listener and most probably a crying shoulder. You make people feel comfortable enough to express their genuine selves around you and that’s really rare and sweet. 

  1. You show compassion and empathy instead of judgement and blame.

Everyone makes mistakes and as a consequence, easily faces judgment or blame from most people, but not from you.  Because you are emotionally mature, you understand that not everyone is as mature and self-aware as it draws compassion and empathy from you as you also know this is what they need more, especially if they are truly sorry about things. 

  1. You choose forgiveness and understanding instead of holding grudges & revenge.

As mentioned above, because you are compassionate, you tend to be also more forgiving and understanding of other people. When you have been wronged, seeking revenge and keeping grudges is not your cup of tea because you know that these emotions can be gratifying to feel at first but in the long run, they do more harm than good and you are better off without them. 

10. You strive to keep learning how to better handle your thoughts and emotions.

Emotional Maturity requires self-awareness and patience to learn and most of the time, aside from your own experiences, you also learn from other emotionally-matured individuals who become your role models, and you never stop getting curious about how to better manage yourself and your life in general. Continuously gaining knowledge on the different tools you can use to handle your emotions is important for you to live peacefully and keep growing better in life.

Overall, Being an emotionally mature individual allows you to live life with less stress and more peace and even if you are not there yet, it is never too late to work on yourself.

Can you relate to the signs above? Do you know of any other signs of Emotional Maturity?

Drop a comment on what you think and as always, see you in the next article! 🙂 


American Psychological Association (2022) Dictionary of Psychology: Emotional Maturity

WebMD, LLC (2021, October) What Is Emotional Immaturity?

Blundell, Andrea (2021, March) 10 Signs of Emotional Maturity – Do you measure up?

Quegan, Merinda (2020) 7 Signs You Are Emotionally Mature

Lamothe, Cindy (2020, March) Emotional Maturity: What It Looks Like

Draghici, Alexander (2020, December) 10 Signs of Emotional Maturity: Strategies to Be More Mature

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, IJCRT (2019, November) Emotional Maturity & Family Environment

Estrada, Jessica (2019, October) 9 Steps for Raising Your Emotional Maturity Level and Taking Stress in Stride

The School of Life (2019, May) 20 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature

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