10 Signs Your Crush Thinks You’re Attractive

Have you ever liked someone so much that you wanted to pursue a relationship with them but didn’t know how? Do you ever get the feeling they might feel the same way but were too terrified to make the first move and find out for sure?

If you answered yes — and chances are, you did, since you’re here reading this article after all — don’t worry, we’ve all been there! A lot of us have certainly felt like things would be so much easier, if only we knew what other people were thinking or how they really feel about us.

Want to know if you stand a chance with someone you like? Then look no further! Here are 8 tell-tale signs that your crush thinks you’re attractive:

1. They allow you into their personal space.

Does your crush tend to hover around you or sit close to you every chance they get? Do they often lean in when you’re talking or like to walk as closely beside you as they can? Do they find excuses to hug, touch, or tickle you? If the answer is yes, then it’s most likely because this person is attracted to you that they are allowing you into their personal space like this (Montoya, Kershaw & Prosser, 2018). 

2. They send you nonverbal signals.

Another unmistakable way to gauge someone’s feelings for you is by taking a good look at their body language and the nonverbal cues they’re giving you. Dilated pupils, flushed skin, tonal voice changes, open body language, nervous fidgeting, stolen glances, and mirroring your behaviors — these are all proven and well-researched signs of romantic attraction we unconsciously act out (Hall & Xing, 2015). 

3. They often spend time with you.

If someone is interested in you and they’re not shy about it, then they will definitely make an effort to spend more time with you and get closer to you. This is easier to tell if your crush is someone outgoing and extroverted that you’re not yet good friends with, because you can readily assess if they’re going out of their way to hang out with you and get to know you more.

4. They’re very engaged with you.

You can gauge someone’s feelings for you by looking at how engaged they are every time you interact with them. Being a good listener and asking a lot of questions about you definitely shows interest, but if your crush is more on the shy side, you can tell if they like you by comparing how engaged they are with other people, too, compared to how they are with you.

5. They’re more attentive towards you.

Does your crush tend to notice you every time you walk into a room? Or surprise you with special little gifts or gestures? Do they notice and remember little things about you? Or check in on you to see how you’re feeling or what you’re up to? Attentiveness can be a very important and obvious sign that someone has feelings for you, and the extra effort they go to just to make you feel cared for definitely means that they care about you.

6. They laugh more around you.

Oftentimes, we tend to laugh at something even if it’s not that funny just to make the other person feel more comfortable and confident around us. Psychology studies also show that the more attractive someone is to us, the funnier and more likeable we think they are (Kerr, et al., 2020). That’s also one of the reasons why the most attractive people tend to be the most popular, too. So if you notice your crush laughing a lot more around you than they usually do, this might be the reason why!

7. Their friends tease them about you.

Chances are, if your crush likes you back, all their closest friends probably know about it, too. And they might try to subtly let you know by teasing them about you, making jokes about you being a couple, or playfully trying to get the two of you together (e.g., making you hold hands, forcing you to be alone together, and so on). 

8. They actively reach out to you.

Aside from making an effort to spend more time with you, someone who finds you attractive will most likely try to reach out and connect with you as well. If they’re a bit shy and not much of a talker, they might do this by simply following you on social media and engaging with your posts from time to time. But someone more extraverted will definitely take it a step further by messaging you first and keeping the conversation going for as long as they can  (Place, et al., 2009).

9. They talk about you often.

Ever notice how whenever you start to like someone, you start to talk about them more and bring them up in conversations? Well, everyone else is exactly the same! So that means, if your crush likes you back, they will probably mention you a lot to their friends and have only nice things to say about you to other people. Try asking around and see if it’s true.

10. They get jealous of other people.

Last but certainly not the least, if your crush seems to get jealous of you showing more interest towards other people than you do to them, chances are, they really do like you. And while we certainly don’t recommend fabricating a fake relationship just to make them jealous (like they tend to do in so many cliche rom-coms), seeing how they react whenever it might seem like you’re flirting with or interested in someone else is as clear a sign as any that they’re attracted to you  (Koranyi & Rothermund, 2012).

So, do you relate to any of the things we’ve mentioned here? Did reading this list help you understand a bit better about your crush’s feelings for you? While it can be confusing and terrifying at times to try to navigate someone else’s interest and attraction towards us, fortunately enough, we have psychology to guide the way. So if you liked this article and want to read more about this topic, here’s what we recommend: 8 OBVIOUS Signs Your CRUSH LIKES YOU, 9 Psychological Ways To Encourage Your Crush To Like You Back, and 5 Things People Do When They’re Attracted to You.


  • Hall, J. A., & Xing, C. (2015). The verbal and nonverbal correlates of the five flirting styles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 39(1), 41-68.
  • Kerr, L. G., Tissera, H., McClure, M. J., Lydon, J. E., Back, M. D., & Human, L. J. (2020). Blind at first sight: The role of distinctively accurate and positive first impressions in romantic interest. Psychological Science, 31(6), 715-728.
  • Koranyi, N., & Rothermund, K. (2012). When the grass on the other side of the fence doesn’t matter: Reciprocal romantic interest neutralizes attentional bias towards attractive alternatives. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(1), 186-191.
  • Montoya, R. M., Kershaw, C., & Prosser, J. L. (2018). A meta-analytic investigation of the relation between interpersonal attraction and enacted behavior. Psychological bulletin, 144(7), 673.
  • Place, S. S., Todd, P. M., Penke, L., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2009). The ability to judge the romantic interest of others. Psychological Science, 20(1), 22-26.

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