5 Subtle Behaviors That Can Attract Anyone


Do you want others to like you? Everyone has something great about them that people can love. But there are a few universal but subtle behaviors that can attract ANYONE and make them like you instantly. So, if you want to make anyone like you, this video is for you. 

  1. Expressing Gratitude

There’s a saying that goes, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” When you say ‘thank you,’ it’s not just about the words; it’s about making people feel appreciated for what they’ve done. It brings them joy and leaves a lasting impression. It’s a subtle but powerful way to make anyone like you because it makes them feel good. This is the second secret to building strong and happy connections with others. Now let’s go to the next one… 

  1. Start Meaningful Conversations

Do you hate small talk? I know I do… Now here’s my next question: Have you ever had a talk that really sticks with you, where you feel like someone really gets you? These are the best kinds of talks because they’re not just about the weather or what you ate for lunch. So how do you make it happen? Well, these are the real and honest conversations that can make a real connection. Instead of talking about the usual stuff, you dive into topics that matter and share your thoughts and feelings. For example, instead of asking, “Did you have a good day?” you can ask, “What was the most interesting thing that happened to you today?”. You’d be surprised where the conversation will lead. It’s like a breath of fresh air in your conversations, making them truly special. The key to attracting anyone and making them like you is when you genuinely want to get to know them as a person. 

  1. Respecting Personal Boundaries

Understanding and respecting people’s boundaries is a subtle yet powerful behavior that can make anyone like you. Why? Because when you pay attention to how much personal space someone needs, it shows that you truly care about their feelings and well-being. Plus, when you give them space instead of pressuring them into doing things they don’t want to, they see you as genuine, not manipulative. This genuine approach makes them feel comfortable and valued in your presence. This simple act of kindness can build trust and stronger connections with others, making them appreciate and like you for being considerate of their needs.

  1. Active Listening

It doesn’t matter if you’re a quiet or ongoing person, well, here’s the deal: everyone can be a great listener. Listening isn’t just about hearing; it’s about caring and showing interest in what someone says. You can do it in different ways. When you talk with someone, use short words like “mmhmm” to show you’re listening. You can also say things like “I get what you mean” or “Can you explain that a bit more?” to show you understand. And don’t forget to smile and look at the person when they talk. It helps you connect with them and have a better conversation, and ultimately, attract ANYONE and make them like you. 

  1. Be observant 

Have you ever had a friend who can notice things about you that nobody else can? Like when they know how you feel even when you don’t say anything? Well, it’s not luck; it’s because they’re really good at observing things. These people have curious minds and notice small details, like body language and how people act without words. They can even tell when something’s not quite right, even if someone doesn’t say it. This makes them really good at understanding others and makes people like being around them. When you can do this too, it instantly attracts anyone to you and makes you instantly likable. 


So, what do you think about these five subtle behaviors? Have you noticed any of them in yourself or others? Feel free to share in the comments below and tell us about your experiences! If you enjoyed this video and want to see more content like this, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell. And lastly, thank you for being a part of Psych2Go. Thanks for watching! 


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Algoe, S. B., & Zhaoyang, R. (2015). Positive psychology in context: Effects of expressing gratitude in ongoing relationships depend on perceptions of enactor responsiveness. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(4), 399–415. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2015.1117131 

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Collier, A. (2021, March 8). How an Introvert Can Build a Thriving Practice. HeinOnline. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/gpsolo37&div=47&id=&page= 

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Mall-Amiri, B., & Nakhaie, N. (2013). COMPARING THE PERFORMANCE OF EXTROVERT AND INTROVERT INTERMEDIATE FEMALE EFL LEARNERS ON LISTENING AND READING TASKS. The International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 3(3).

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