Depression Recovery – Insist, Resist, and Persist!


Those who struggle with depression know the battle with fatigue is endless. It’s not an easy feat to get out of bed. Simple tasks like showering become a drag, and it seems impossible to brush your teeth. You feel restless and when it gets bad, your movements slow down, known as psycho-motor retardation.  Not only that, it’s as if a black smug surrounds your brain impairing you from making simple decisions. You can’t seem to remember anything.

depressionDepression is like a leech. You become uninterested and motivation goes out the door. Activities you used to do for fun. No longer fulfill you. Your relationship with food changes. You either lack an appetite or you’re extremely hungry. Causing weight fluctuations. Slowly you stop socializing, convincing yourself its best to withdraw from people. This only worsens the situation because you end up feeling lonely.

Therefore, you need to obligate yourself to take action. By making the best decisions for your well-being. Even when your mind is telling you the opposite. Provide yourself with the love you freely give others. Re-parent yourself by guiding your wounded inner child with care. No matter how painful it is look for the lesson in your emotional turmoil. Reflect on your mistakes and vow to not commit it again. Analyze your behavior and thought pattern. Choose different modes of action and adjust accordingly.

depressionTo beat depression, you must have persistence and determination. Convince yourself; you are worthy of a better life and that happiness is attainable. When you are facing a task that seem impossible to achieve. Tell yourself, “I must insist, resist, and persist”. Count up to 3, get up, and hustle. Do not give it much thought. Do not allow depression to negotiate with you. It’ll continue poisoning your mind.

Think of depression as liar. If it’s telling you to eat junk food, eat a notorious meal instead. If it wants you to sleep in, then get up and open the curtains! Splash some cold water on your face and drink a big cup of water. If it’s trying to convince you to cancel plans, then quickly put on your favorite outfit and walk out the door. If it’s whispering all sorts of degrading comments towards yourself. Say, “no, your wrong. Shut up and listen to me! I am..” and then follow up with positive affirmations about yourself.

depressionWhy am I writing this you may ask yourself? It’s because part of my recovery was to adapt and establish an enduring attitude. I had to further develop my resiliency. Be honest with myself and accept responsibility for my actions. I didn’t sugar coat anything. If something was wrong, I took immediate action. I forgave myself for not knowing any better in the past and realized I am not what happened to me. I am more than that.

I hope this post can motivate you to take action. Depression isn’t a joke, and if you let it. It will win. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak and therapy is beneficial for your recovery. Depression isn’t beaten in a day, nor a week, nor a month. It takes time. Do not be fooled with the “just be positive” mumbo jumbo out there. Reflect and analyze yourself. Challenge your cognitive distortions and change your behavioral patterns. Take it day by day.

Feel free to also read: Depressed? Is It More Common These Days?

Check Out Psych2Go’s Video: Depression versus Anxiety

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