About Us

What is Psych2Go before (in 2017-2023)?

  • A platform with both videos, articles, magazines and merchandise for people to consume and incorporate into daily lives.
  • What made us special were our fanbase and community who felt that there is a place online where they can learn more about psychology, vent, and get validations or affirmations about their problems in relationships, family, and personal development.
  • We made sure our content were easily digestible through animated videos and soothing voice artists, specifically Amanda Silvera, who has been a big contributor to the work that we have done.

Where is Psych2Go now?

  • Psych2Go is now more of a Youtube channel that produces a lot of similar psychology, mental health content that repeats the older videos. Even though we still have a strong fan base and reach millions of viewers monthly, we have somewhat lost our original touch of being highly engaging, relevant, and novel.

Where Psych2Go aims to be in 2024+?

  • We aim to produce new content that brings stories, new research, new insights into existing content on the internet about mental health, psychology so that they can continual to be easily digestible, but also reliable.
  • We hope to see more partnerships in our content with mental health professionals and key speakers to ensure our content continues to bring new perspectives for the previous generations of psych2go viewers while still being digestible and helpful to a younger and new coming generation.
  • We hope to deliver quality merchandise that inspires people to pursue a lifelong goal of working on their mental wellness while appreciating the arts and amazing things around them.
  • We hope to create opportunities for fans to gather, to meet and to celebrate personal achievements and wins while providing a platform for individuals who have gone through past experiences to share perspectives for those who are still going through those problems.

What we are looking for in terms of support?

  • Your help sharing our work and being apart of what wed

People come to Psych2Go because they have a love for and interest in the field of psychology. We don’t present textbook definitions nor typical academic jargon. Instead, we make valuable content that simultaneously entertains and educates you. We provide fun articles, quizzes, issues of our magazine, YouTube videos, etc. that take a refreshing and unique approach to help you tap into your inner self. Most importantly, we make it relatable. Our team hopes to raise awareness about mental health and create a safe space that allows for open communication to those who are struggling in life, so we can learn to cope together.

Table of contents:

We want our readers to know that we don’t have all the answers, nor do we strive to have all of them. The world is ever-evolving and, as a result, psychology and humans grow and change along with its advances. Instead, we like to provide opportunities where we can have honest discussions about topics, stories, and issues that concern our daily lives. Our team enjoys learning together with our readers, rather than just teaching them. We welcome all questions, insights, and perspectives!

Here is what some of our readers have to say about us:

I think it’s really cool that you try to bring the community together like this. It’s the first time I’ve seen a channel take such a massive interest in its community, including individual ones. This blew my head off!” —Chris, one of our most active community members

☆ “I would like to thank you and your team for providing emotional support through these articles to many who question why they are the way they are.” —Pranav Mehta

 “I enjoyed reading your article. I am considering employing this into my teaching.” —Clomi on 5 Ways to Stop Overthinking

 This came in handy, I really needed to read something helpful about coping with loneliness as the end of the year approaches and this is the time when I feel lonely the most. Thank you for this article, it certainly gives me the motivation I need.” —Emmanuella on 5 Effective Ways to Cope with Loneliness

☆ “Thank you for this article because it has taught me so much more about myself and changed my perspective on something I passionately denied my whole life.” —Damien on 8 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Here are some reasons to get involved with us as a volunteer:

 You can combine a subject you love while helping others. We strive to make a difference every day!

 It’s online. You can work right at home, your favorite coffee shop, and even when you’re traveling!

 You get to learn more about psychology, yourself, and others as you go —from weird, bizarre facts to practical self-help tips that can be applied to everyday life!

 Our team cares about your mental health just as much as we promote it. We do what we can to support and look out for one another. Read 7 Ways Alcoholic Parents Affect Their Children by Catherine Huang to get her story on how co-founder and CEO Tai Khuong of Psych2Go helped her during a breaking point.

 You can connect with others and learn about what it means to grow with an online community.

 You can work at your own time and schedule. We believe in flexibility!

 We believe in nurturing big ideas, dreams, and risk-taking. If there’s a skill you’ve been meaning to strengthen, we can work with you to help you grow right along with Psych2Go!

Advertise with us!

Are you a counselor, author, app developer, coach or business reaching out to an millennial audience? We are always looking to highlight to our community of “psych curious” in our videos, magazine, website or social media. We are open to doing roundup articles and mentions with your brand and link to your website.

Sponsorship options starting at $100. (For campaigns under $100, we recommend you going to Google AdWords and specifying Psych2go.net). 

Find out more at the sponsorship section.