Remember the Ads

super bowl

Some people just watch the Super bowl for them. Companies also spend millions of dollars just to get a slot of thirty seconds. They have to make that time memorable. Decisions are based on memory. Think about ads you remember. Why do you remember them?


  1. Humor

Everyone remembers funny things. For a while people were talking about that Oreo commercial when people were fighting over whether the cookie or the crème was the best part in the library. It was funny because they were whispering since they are in a library. It makes people remember easier because it makes them relax. According to a Takahashi and Inoue study, one explanation was a “bizarre effect” where certain stimuli stand out from others.


  1. Relatable Characters

If the product is for everyone, advertisements should talk about common problems. Though they are dramatic sometimes, those long infomercials show situations everyone faces such as getting rid of tough stains on clothes and having trouble organizing plastic containers.


  1. Simple Storyline

Telling a short story is good too. The Direct TV commercials about the decisions you make in your life tell a ridiculous, random story to convince you. These can connect to the viewers to dramatic scenarios.


  1. Emotion

The puppy Budweiser commercial is a great example of this. Not only does it include cute animals it tells the story of friendship and it gives everyone warm feelings. What does this have to do with beer? I don’t know. Emotion is also used in jewelry companies and medication to show that the product brings happiness. They also show celebrities that people want to be like.


Think about your favorite commercials and see how it uses these elements.



  1. Clemm, William R. “How Advertisers Get You to Remember Ads.” Psychology Today. Psychology Today, n.d. Web.
  2. Goetzl, David. “Memorable Ads Employ Humor, Supply ‘Upbeat’ Storyline.” Memorable Ads Employ Humor, Supply ‘Upbeat’ Storyline. MediaPost, n.d. Web.
  3. Meredith, Leslie. “Why You Remember Certain TV Ads.” LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 23 Aug. 2012. Web.
  4. Rahman, Line. “Does Humor Have an Effect on Mem.” Does Humor Have an Effect on Mem. N.p., n.d. Web.

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