15 Most Popular Psychology Websites and Blogs
12. What is Psychology: As the name would suggest, this site is all about explaining just what psychology is using everyday examples and coupling that with research that the contributors feel may otherwise be overlooked. This site explores some of the more basic psychological questions while also delving into more complicated subject matters and links users to different research, authors, and studies which have to do with psychology and hare current/trending. WIP is a community based blog, meaning that anyone can really contribute as long as there is a solid understanding of the subject matter. As such it’s a perfect place for budding students to go and read/share new information that might have otherwise been glossed over.
Website: http://www.whatispsychology.biz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/What-is-Psychology/167635780002737
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@WhatisPsych