Quiz: Are Your Mood Swings Normal?

Living in this fast-paced modern world can be stressful and often times we feel overwhelmed. This can lead to us occasionally experiencing sudden changes in emotion.  Mood swings are categorized as feeling sudden emotions such as sad or being tearful.  They can be persistent patterns of unreliable mood changes or fluctuation in mood.  If this sounds like something you may be experiencing, or if you’re just curious take our quiz and find out where you score.

* Disclaimer * – We do not condone self-diagnosing. While I have created this quiz using criteria from the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), online tests are not a reliable tool to determine if you have a disorder such as the ones mentioned in the quiz. The results are merely suggestions. This quiz is not meant to imply you may have a mental illness, but you might want to consider talking to your friends about how you feel or getting in touch with your local counselor/psychotherapist if your mood swings seem abnormal.

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