Meet Buom Dilang, Founder of BD Design Co. [Interview]

A new Youtube channel, BD Design Co., with their first video posted a month ago, hopes to bring awareness and educate others on important concepts through their animated videos. We at Psych2Go also aim to produce fun, interesting, and helpful content, through our articles and Youtube videos, that connect with you and can be applied to you in your daily life.  Due to our shared goals, we at Psych2Go believe you may also be interested in their videos and recommend you check out their channel.

The founder of the visual communication and brand specialist firm, BD Design Co., Buom Dilang, reached out to us at Psych2Go through email to share with us his newly created channel.  BD Design Co.offers services in branding, photography, and illustration.  Recently, the company expanded into the new venture of creating Youtube videos.  We really enjoy their videos so far and thought it would be interesting to learn a bit more about Buom, his budding Youtube channel, and his design company.

Q: Please tell us a little bit about yourself.  How would you describe yourself in three words?  What are some of your interests?  

My name is Buom Dilang and I was born and raised in Canada and I guess I would describe myself as creative, ambitious, and curious. Growing up I was always interested in technology and anything creative and my reasoning at the time was that they were the closest things to magic. Fast forward to now, I run a graphic design business and youtube channel with the goal of utilizing creativity and visual communication to give light to interesting topics, ideas, and organizations.

Q: Can you explain to us what your educational background or experience is in?

In terms of design I’m completely self taught. Due to creative pursuits always being my strength, I decided to hit the books instead of the classroom for my design education. I suppose it all started when I learned adobe photoshop and premiere pro in a high school communications technology class. I became quite good at those programs and I’ve been building on that foundation independently ever since. Now I’m advanced in almost every Adobe program with after effects being the newest edition to my arsenal but having that initial foundation is what made it easier to continue to expand my expertise.

Q: Please let us know a little bit more about your Youtube channel.  Why did you start your channel?

I started my youtube channel as a means to bring awareness to important topics, to showcase the power of visual communication, and to market my design business. Over the past few years I’ve become increasingly aware of the unique and opportunity filled era that we are in where creating content and building influence is an extremely valuable asset.

Q: What are your goals moving forward for this channel?

As of right now my Youtube channel is in its baby stages therefore the biggest goal is to create more content at a more rapid pace. Additionally, I would like to interact and work with people that run similar channels that I admire to hopefully become more immersed in the diverse and wonderful community that is Youtube.

Q: How long does it take you to make a video and what is the process like to create one of your videos?  

It takes a lot of hours and a lot of creative energy to complete a single video but that consequently makes the final result that much more rewarding. Furthermore, I see it taking slightly less time in the future as I continue to optimize my workflow. The process of creating one of our videos includes writing a script, creating a storyboard or visual outline of the script, recording the narration/voiceover, creating the illustrations, animating the illustrations, and then exporting the final product.

Q: How do you choose your topics and what are some future topics that you would like to cover in your videos?   

Choosing topics is a process that I have yet to get down pat but typically it’s based on topics that I personally find interesting and particularly helpful in the areas of Psychology and self improvement. I’ve come to realize that staying true to your niche and not just following whatever is popular at the time is a valuable principle therefore I plan on staying true to that insight going forward.

Q: What research goes into creating the content for a video of yours?

I guess the amount of research that I do depends on how broad the video is going to be. If I’m going to be covering a relatively basic topic then a series of articles will suffice but if it’s a big topic such as depression then it would require that I read several books to ensure that I can give accurate advice on the matter. Also, I’ve always been quite the knowledge seeker so a lot of the topics will be based on things that have applied to me in the past that I have previously researched based on my own curiosity.

Q: I see that you created a video on a natural cure for depression.  What inspired you to make that video?  

The video about the natural cure for depression was inspired by my own experience with the condition. Depression is quite trivial in nature therefore I sought to understand it better. This lead to me uncovering a lot of lesser known insights which I felt that I had to share with the world. For example, the fact that many of activities included in the hunter-gatherer lifestyle are antidepressant in nature.

Q: What interests you about psychology?  How do you use psychology in your life or in your designs/work?

Growing up I’ve always been unique in my way of thinking and processing the world around me. It’s this trait that allows me to come up with cool ideas and to be creative in general. Growing up through the school system made me quite aware of my nuances thus sparking my interest in better understanding myself and consequently human nature. Besides that, psychology is actually a big part of graphic design because the whole goal of a designer is to use design principles to shape the perception of the viewer in a positive manner. You must first understand the human mind before you can create a visual solution that will appeal to it.

Q: What exactly is BD Design Co.? What services do you offer?

BD Design Co. is a graphic design firm that I founded in late 2015. We offer services such as brand identity design, illustration, photography and now motion graphics.

Q: Where do you see BD Design Co. in five years?  

In 5 years I see BD Design Co. having a much larger group of employees, probably rebranded, based in Toronto, highly profitable (of course), setting a standard for company culture in the industry, and including services such as interior design and web design.

Q: What keeps you motivated to keep moving forward?

What keeps me moving forward is my constant hunger for a better quality of life, prosperity for my family as a whole, my innate need to create awesome things, and my business aspirations.

Q: Do you have any advice you can give to our readers?

My biggest advice to your readers is to never put too much stock into your perception of things and to never be married to your opinions. I have a philosophy that any and everything that this world has to offer is in fact interesting and all that is lacking is good communication. Therefore, you should always pursue knowledge and better understanding despite your perception of how complicated the topic is. I believe that this is the key to living a more conscious and enriching life. This is precisely the whole mission of my Youtube channel which to use motion graphics in order to distill and spark interest in important topics.

A big thanks to Buom for answering our questions and for letting us gain a little more insight into your work!  We are excited to see where the future takes his Youtube channel and design company.  His advice is really great and connects with Psych2Go’s goal as well, as we and BD Design Co. both aim to share with you new ideas and content to stimulate thought and conversation.  Also, this was not a sponsored or paid endorsement; we really like his content and feel like you may as well!

We hope you enjoyed this interview and feel free to leave any questions you may have relating to Buom and his work.  

Please check out BD Design Co.’s Youtube channel here.

If you are interested in learning more about Buom’s brand and visual communication work, you can visit his website here

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