Psych2Go Script Writing Guidelines

Refer to our Psych2Go Topic Writing Guideline Here.

Welcome to the Psych2Go script writing team! Our mission is to provide our audience with valuable, engaging, and insightful content on psychology and mental health. We aim to make complex psychological concepts accessible and relatable, helping our viewers better understand themselves and others. Here are some guidelines to ensure our scripts align with Psych2Go’s mission and maintain the high quality our audience expects.

Note: This is the latest writing script guide from psych2go. Dated Aug 8, 2024

Mission of Psych2Go

Psych2Go is dedicated to making psychology accessible and engaging for everyone. We aim to:

  • Educate our audience on psychological concepts and mental health issues.
  • Provide practical advice and tips for personal development.
  • Foster a supportive and inclusive community.

Key Elements of a Psych2Go Script

1. Use Analogies

Analogies make complex concepts relatable and easier to understand. They allow our audience to see psychological ideas through a familiar lens, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Example Video: Analogies in Use

2. Add Credibility

To build trust and credibility, mention relevant psychology research, theories, or insights from reputable figures in the field. Name-dropping respected YouTubers or influencers can also add authority to your script.

3. Keep Points Concise

Brevity is key. Aim to reduce lengthy explanations to concise, impactful statements. This keeps the audience engaged and helps manage production costs for voice-overs and animations.

4. Use Simple Language

Write in simple, clear language. Imagine you’re explaining the concept to a foreigner with limited English. Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences.

5. Share Stories of Others

Include stories and examples from others to illustrate your points. Avoid sharing personal stories as they can sometimes lead to doubts about your judgment and perception.

6. Present Opposing Views

When discussing extreme points, acknowledge opposing views and explain their limitations. This balanced approach adds depth and fairness to your content.

7. Be Insightful

Go beyond the obvious. Offer unique insights or perspectives that haven’t been widely discussed. Share your opinion and back it up with evidence or personal success stories.

Example: Insightful Content – Steven discusses the underlying reasons behind the effectiveness of strategies for waking up early.

Speaking to the Audience

  • Engage Directly: Speak directly to the audience, making them feel involved and valued.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Show empathy and understanding of the audience’s experiences and feelings.
  • Supportive Tone: Maintain a supportive and encouraging tone throughout the script.


By following these guidelines, you will help us create scripts that are informative, engaging, and resonate with our audience. Remember, our goal is to make psychology accessible and relatable, helping our viewers lead better, more informed lives. Happy writing!

Feel free to ask if you need any more details or adjustments! Examples of excellent scripts:

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