What Word Did You See First? This Fact Can Reveal Much About Your Inner Truth

We at Psych2Go just love quizzes and tests that you can do without spending too much time on. That’s why we put together the following one, which is short yet highly revealing.

All you need to do is take a quick look at the following image. The first word that your eyes find describes who you are and also what worries you at the present moment.

What word did you see? Go to the next page to see what it says about you!

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    1. Besides the depression part I feel as if this is 100% accurate for me( I’ve gotten imaginative!) But how did you do this? This is really impressive.

  1. Haha I saw the fake word of Epthoy first so I was like maybe that’s not the whole word so I added the Depthoy, but I realize that is also not a word… I decided to move on until I found the word Dragon. So now according to this test I am imaginative, but really the first word I saw without realizing it was Depth.