12 Things Introverts are the Best at Doing
In this world run by “overly friendly people”, we silent types often feel misunderstood, discriminated, and ostracized. One of the downsides of introverts is not being known for certain tasks you are actually good at. Are you an introvert or know someone who is? Let’s have a look at some of these hidden but wonderful traits and characteristics…
1. Having thought-provoking conversations
They are often regarded as lacking in social skills due to their passive interpersonal relationships, this idea being supported by their disdain for small talk. However, introverts can give out highly intelligent and emotional dialogues about relevant topics. They have a guidance counselor’s charisma, enabling people to pour out much more of their thoughts with them than expected.
2. Being effective salespeople
What? An introvert excels at a profession that requires constant vis-a-vis interaction? Yes! Being good not at constant human interaction, but at familiarity with work elements makes a good salesperson. Being highly cognitive folks, introverts take time to understand fully their product, customer, and outcomes; and thus are highly prepared for any unexpected events, such as objections, crankiness, and touchy questions.
3. Taking care of animals
Be it as a vet or just a pet-sitter, introverts in general enjoy the company of animals more than they do with that of humans. They are emotionally active yet display such empathy only when it’s needed; otherwise they would be drained. Introverts easily understand animals’ feelings, and can soothe the most troubled pet with the correct non-verbal interactions. After all, no animal would trust someone noisy and unpredictable, right?
4. Being observant
What introvert takes leaps in the dark without knowing what’s around him first? They are usually the first people to notice anything out of the ordinary, or the flaws in ideas and concepts. Introverts prefer to analyze their surroundings rather than focus on biases, so that when they finally voice out their misgivings, these should be taken seriously.
5. Being great leaders
This might be surprising, but introverts can manage a team just as effectively as extroverts. A poll shows that despite the bias, not all effective leaders are extroverts. Outgoing people can command a group with charisma and energy, while more reserved bosses coordinate teams through what they know: observe all elements and implement the best response. They are careful, attentive, humble, prepared, and are comfortable working alone, showing that good leadership isn’t always flashy.
6. Being great workers (edited from followers per feedback)
Introverts give their whole heart to whatever activity is at hand. They enjoy performing one task for an extended period of time in a peaceful environment alone, while extroverts may shudder at this thought. Furthermore, they need little supervision, as they can be their own facilitators. This makes them effective followers as well, being dedicated to the completion of their responsibility provided their solitude is undisturbed.
7. Listening to your troubles
Need a shoulder to cry on, or just somebody to hear your story? Perhaps your reserved friend will do. Introverts hate trivial dialogues, but they will gladly give time to listen to other people’s stories, because they are very sensitive to others’ pain. They are good at engaging in an honest conversation, sharing compassion, and being by your side, if only you would let them.
8. Counseling
In addition to listening, introverts excel at helping you cope with your worries. They can easily read people; while others are just listening, an introvert analyzes and interprets the speaker’s thoughts, actions, choice of words, and preconceptions. Furthermore, calming someone down isn’t all about talking, it’s about understanding and making deep relationships built on trust, and being empathetic is what introverts do.
9. Thinking before acting
What’s more embarrassing than making a fool of yourself? Realizing that such shame wouldn’t have happened had you took time to analyze the situation and made the appropriate response. Introverts think before they speak, act, or decide. They ponder deeply the consequences of their actions, and they are usually the go-to person when someone is in need of advice. This leads to them being naturally observant.
10. Knowing themselves
We all know that quiet persons have the loudest minds. Aside from being silent critics, introverts are constantly having inner monologues, evaluating themselves and their choices in everyday situations. Thus they hardly have an existential crisis and can easily figure out their strengths and weaknesses. They know who they are, what they want, and what is important to them.
11. Being a source of wisdom
Introverts are by nature studious and lovers of information. They enjoy learning and discovering new things, and with their innate percipience, they can be like a human search engine. Not only that, they would be more than happy to share relevant information with you on many topics, and (again) give you good advice. Introverts may not show it, but they are very friendly and helpful.
12. Being a loyal friend
Introvert friends do not betray you. In fact, they don’t even joke about you behind your back nor in your presence. All your secrets, your passions, and your dreams are safe with them. Introverts may have few friends, but these kinships are deep, long-lasting, and sincerely cherished. They might not be much fun for you, but you will feel secure and genuinely loved if you befriended one.
What an amazing array of qualities for a wonderful friend! If you are an extrovert, don’t be hesitant to communicate with silent peers; you will be surprised at their abilities. If you are an introvert, be proud! You have nothing to feel inferior about, since behind that stillness lies a storm of talents.
Introverts are invaluable allies. Extroverts may run the world, but they can’t do it without our subtle assistance.
2016. 11 Things Introverts are the Best at. Retrieved from www.higherperspective.com
Boss, Jeff. (2015). 6 Truths on Why Introverts are the Best Leaders. Retrieved from www.entrepreneur.com
Hand, Trent. (n.d.) Why Introverts Make the Best Salespeople. Retrieved from www.lifehack.org
William, David. (n.d.) 15 Things Introverts Don’t Do at Work that Makes Them Excel. Retrieved from www.lifehack.org
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In a world that is very much in favor of the extroverts (or extroverted traits), articles like this help to understand and appreciate the introverts more. This does not only raise awareness but also motivates:
1) the extroverts to realize the introverts’ talents and skills; and
2) the introverts to keep on being themselves and be awesome in it.
In the near future, I hope more studies about introverts will rise to the surface to erase the misconceptions and for a fair treatment in school, workplace, etc.
I think number 6 should “Tenaciously perusing goals” or “meticulously completing tasks.” The description doesn’t really describe a “follower” and I think many introverts know themselves and don’t follow along if it doesn’t suit them. I am definitely an introvert but I would never deceive myself as a follower. If I don’t agree or believe I will happily go off on my own or quietly rebel if I can’t escape.
Agreed. Let us edit this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
It’s too bad extroverts run the world. Maybe introverts do, just behind the scenes, secretly. 😉 But no… they would not create such a loud, chaotic world.
Myself, I can never see myself as a leader. And I would NEVER want to be a salesperson, not just because it involves a lot of social interaction, but because it concerns products. There are few (if any) products I would be passionate enough about that I’d actually want to overtly advocate them. I’m about depth, things that have to do with the mind and emotions, not superficial things, commerciality, which I couldn’t care less about.
I also wish that jobs sought people most suited for them. I mean, put out the MBTI best suited for the job and then that person would apply. Or that jobs would be more accepting of introverts, or there would be more jobs for introverts, instead of having to artificially act like extroverts, with extroverts’ strengths, and get all stressed out, and not fulfill our potential, just plodding along in something made for someone else.
Some of the things like leaders and counselors are probably more for those who haven’t grown up being told they are messed up and constantly pushed to change to be more extroverted. It took until my thirties to realize I was ok. Now working at being who I am and embracing life. But it’s a struggle if you were never taught that self-acceptance.
Sadly the world percieves our silence as a form of weakness. With everyone from your family to your friends forcing you to speak not knowing it takes a huge pile on your brain. You can’t even tell anyone about this cause they make fun of you. But it’s all that struggle that makes us who we are 😇