Barbie and Ken Worshippers: Just How Far Will They Go?

In my previous article titled: “Barbie: How Strong is Her Psychological Effect?”, I detailed the strong psychological affect the Barbie doll had on young gals and how it drove certain women to develop body dysmorphic disorder or to proceed on with cosmetic surgeries.

Well, let’s further examine just how far will someone go to achieve that Barbie and Ken look? Valeria Lukyanova and Justin Jedlica are Barbie and Ken worshippers who have committed to cosmetic surgeries, plastic surgeries and daily rituals to maintain their doll like appearance.

First off, a majority of girls have engaged in a playdate with Barbie however, very few girls devote their every action to resemble the doll. Valeria Lukyanova is a Urkanian model who has strived from a young age to resemble her Barbie Doll.

val2If one were to glance at this picture, they could easily be fooled to think she is a mannequin because of how lifeless she appears to be. To enhance the effects, she wears a great deal of makeup, with one of the procedures including: special contacts to make her pupils appear larger.



The model’s almost surreal tiny waist is a result of her daily gym workouts and a strict vegetarian diet. Many have speculated that she had rib removals but she has denied these rumors. She insists that the only cosmetic procedure she has undergone is a breast augmentation.  In an interview with International Business Times, Lukyanova has recently stirred up more speculation when she announced she will be partaking in the religion called, breathentarian, which encourages followers to fast and survive solely on air and light. She wrote on her twitter account: “these days I have not been hungry, I am delighted that my new diet will keep me forever beautiful.” According to her twitter account, her weight just two weeks ago was 101 pounds and she is 5’7.


Moreover, how many cosmetic procedures do you think a man has to undergo to obtain the signature Ken image? Justin Jedlica, a New York Native, has had one hundred and forty-five cosmetic procedures and has no plans to stop.


According to, Jedlica grew up in a strict Catholic household where he was a straight A student. He had secretly always hated his huge nose and fantasized about getting a nose job at the age of thirteen.

Now, at the age of thirty-three, he has spent over $168,000 on 145 cosmetic procedures. On his website,, some of the listed facial procedures include: elf ear pointing and eyeball tattoo. For his body, he has received: bicep and triceps implants to look more muscular, knee surgery to make his legs longer, and spider vein removal.

Jedlicia has revealed in interviews that he views himself as an artist whose canvas is his own body. He claims his love to change his body through surgery comes from a place of artistic creativity, and not a mental illness.

Jedlica said he never had any interest in changing his body by hitting the gym. Many of the procedures he underwent, including arm and chest implants, were to gain a more muscular look. He defended himself by saying: “I’d much rather sit in the back room and [sketch a cosmetic procedure then go to the gym. When I noticed all these buff men, I was so skinny in comparison to them. I decided to buy my body].”

Aside from appearing very stiff in pictures, interviewers who have met him say he is nothing but a charming man. He is described as a ball of energy and makes grand gestures with his hand. He is currently working as a plastic surgery consultant in Chicago and hopes his business will continue to thrive.

As a result of admiring Barbie and Ken from such a young age, Lukyanova and Jedlica have fully devoted themselves to making their obsessions come to life. From committing to high maintenance make up routines to undergoing 145 cosmetic procedures, these two definitely portray a real life Barbie and Ken.

With all this information I just presented today, the real question is: how far will one person go to modify the human form?




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