6 Signs You Are NOT an INFJ

Before we delve into what distinguishes an INFJ personality type from the rest, I would like to disclose that this article is based on the Myer-Briggs personality inventory, which has little scientific backing. All traits are theoretical. Traits mentioned in this article are rough tendencies, not strict classifications.   

That being said, let us take a closer look into what makes someone an INFJ– the rarest personality type in the world. 

Out of the groups of personality types, the two most similar and mistyped are INFJ and INTJ. They are both reserved, intuitive, goal-oriented, and big-picture thinkers. However, the difference lies in how each approaches the world. 

  • You make decisions using impersonal logic. 

If you find yourself preferring logic and objectivity when making choices, you might not be an INFJ.  

INFJs approach the world differently from thinking types. Because of their primary F(Fi) sensing, INFJs are more attuned to emotional nuances and sensibilities. They are prone to taking other people’s feelings into consideration when making decisions. 

On the other hand, personality types with dominant thinking traits prefer to analyze and view things through logic and seek to understand how things work through systems, not abstract concepts. They are typically drawn to areas like researchers or strategists. Some personality types that share this trait are INTJs, ISTPs, and INFPs. Though they are introverts, they all have dominant thinking functions. 

  • You do not shy away from a challenge.

Do you welcome criticism? If so, you most likely are not an INFJ. One weakness of INFJs is that they take criticism to heart. 

For some INFJs, conflict is distressing. Because INFJs are sensitive to other people’s emotions, vituperative words offend them easily. Even if it is an off-handed remark. 

  • You love being surrounded by people.  

If you prefer a large social setting, then you might not be an INFJ. This trait is typically associated with extroverted types, so chances are, you might not be an INFJ. You could type as an extroverted type or even an introvert with secondary extroversion sensing. 

One thing that INTJs and INFJs share is their non-conformity. Neither personality types accept social norms just because. As a child, they may have felt left out or like they did not fit. Neither are prone to small talk. INTJs tend to be blunt with their non-conformity, whereas INFJs are more prudent when navigating social norms they dislike. 

  • You are not super attracted to humanitarian jobs. 

Do you feel like your purpose in life is to help and assist others? If not, you probably are not an INFJ. Though most people, regardless of personality type, like to volunteer and help others, INFJs make it their life’s mission to be of service.

Like a true idealist, INFJs are concerned about doing something that betters the human condition. They want to help others, so it is natural for them to gravitate towards humanitarian causes. Their personality type allows them to shine in roles as activists or catalysts for social change. Some examples of famous INFJs are Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi, Elenor Roosevelt, and Florence Nightingale.  

  • You love to test theories in real life.

Do you find yourself testing your hypothetical “what-ifs” in real life? If so, you might not be an INFJ. 

You might be an extroverted intuitive type instead. Extroverted intuitive types love exploring and finding inspiration from the world around them. They are more focused on testing out their ideas in real-time rather than speculating. Some personality types that share this trait are ENFPs, ENTPs, and INFPs. 

  • You are in tune with your own emotions and have no trouble voicing your emotional needs.

Do you open up to others easily? If you do then, uou might not be an INFJ. 

Because of INFJs nurturing nature, they often act as emotional support for others. They also have a tendency to be highly empathetic. However, they rarely voice their own emotional needs. Unfortunately, they can slip into the role of people-pleasing and put their needs in the back seat. Mature INFJs learn how to diplomatically protect their needs while also being of service to others. 

 If you find it easy to open to other people, you might be a dominant extroverted feeling type or an ISTP or INFJ. 

Although having an INFJ personality type is coveted, all personality types come with strengths and weaknesses. The variety of personality types provide color to our interactions and relationships. There many tests online that can help you determine your personality type. But remember, that the Myers-Briggs exam is not a set classification of who you are.

Feel free to share your personality type in the comments below. 


Baker, M. (2018, July 30). 5 Signs You Might Not Be an INFJ – And What You Might Be Instead! Retrieved January 06, 2021, from https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2018/07/30/5-signs-you-might-not-be-an-infj-and-what-you-might-be-instead/

Drenth, A. (2020). Intuitive (N) types posts. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from https://personalityjunkie.com/infj-intp-intj-infp-enfp-entp-posts/

Drenth, A. (2020). Thinker (T) or Feeler (F)? Key Differences. Retrieved January 06, 2021, from https://personalityjunkie.com/02/thinking-vs-feeling-myers-briggs/

Granneman, J. (2018, June 01). 10 signs you’re actually an INFJ personality type, not an INTJ – Introvert, Dear. Retrieved January 06, 2021, from https://introvertdear.com/news/10-signs-youre-an-infj-personality-type-not-an-intj/

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