5 Ways to Overcome Burnout

If you feel excessive stress and prolonged exhaustion because of work and constant deadlines, you may be on the road to burnout. Here are some ways to overcome burnout, restore your wellbeing, and prevent detachment from work.

1. Watch yourself.

It requires observation to recognize why you’re feeling what you’re feeling. Look deeply into the symptoms you’re facing, whether it’s fatigue, exhaustion, stress, foggy mind, emotional depletion, muscle weaknesses, etc. Knowing what causes you to be on the spiral of distress helps you understand what doesn’t work for you. The things that don’t work for you need to be exempt from repeating, so you can recover and work again with an enthusiastic attitude. 

Watch yourself, so you don’t fall twice. 

Some examples of bad habits that lead you to burnout can be:

  • a work-no-break schedule
  • minimal sleep hours
  • minimal interactions with other people and the people you love
  • believing what you do is not good enough
  • feeling like your work doesn’t make a difference or not being valued by others
  • possessing a competitive mindset

2. Add or change.

Now that you know what the issues are, there is no time to waste. You need to change or add to the norm of your schedule essential things that help you maintain the streak of your work performance. Depending on the different types of issues, there are different types of solutions. Implementing adequate breaks are always necessary. Hobbies can be just the thing to help you balance a busy lifestyle. Listen to music destress and distract you from the constant worry of your work. Playing a game makes you feel relaxed because you are living in the moment. Find something you enjoy is just as essential as working because it places a high value on the meaning of the accomplishments and not the achievements alone.

3. Put your electronic devices away.

Nowadays, digital devices might be where the best entertainment and the worst distraction is for most people. Design a time block in your calendar for when you will not spend time on your phone. Your eyes need to rest, and your mental health needs to be mindful. Productivity thrives best when pressure lowers. When you waste hours away on your phone, you subtract your productivity because the time pressure rose. 

4. Spend time with other people.

There is no better feeling than being in touch with your close friends and family. Having someone else to listen to what you’re going through may take a little bit of the weight away from your shoulders. Receiving and giving support is part of the human system. It doesn’t have to be complicated, such as holding a grand party. The bigger the event doesn’t mean the greater joy. Simple things like chatting and having laughs might be just the thing to help you get back on your feet. 

5. Reframe your view about work.

When it comes to jobs, you may have a fulfilling or an unfulfilling one. The same goes for school when you feel dissatisfied with the courses you’re taking. But no matter what the job is or what you are pursuing after, there are certain aspects that make what you do matter

But if the work you do is sucking out your joy for life, you may need to quit and find another job or another passion you love instead. Look at the big picture and consider the purpose for why you are sacrificing time and effort for the work. Will it make you happy in the long run, 5 or 10 years from now? Are you willing to go through all the unthinkable struggles to get it? Will you miss it when it is no longer in your life? 


There is no one right list to deal with burnout. Be mindful and take appropriate actions to any problem. And remember you matter, others matter. Don’t be afraid to seek help. You are not alone.


Smith, M., Segal, J., & Robinson, L. (2020, October). Burnout Prevention and Treatment. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/burnout-prevention-and-recovery.htm

Knight, R. (2015, April 02). How to Overcome Burnout and Stay Motivated. Retrieved January 22, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2015/04/how-to-overcome-burnout-and-stay-motivated

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