6 Signs You’re Very Self-Aware and Intuitive

Have you ever felt compelled to make a choice based on the vibe or a hunch? Have you listened to your hunch? If so, you might be more intuitive than you think. Most people choose to ignore their instinct when making decisions.
But, what exactly is intuition? It’s more than a simple hunch or feeling. It is an unexpected sense or perception about a situation or person. As per the American Psychological Association definition, intuition refers to an immediate insight or perception contrasted by logical or conscious reasoning or reflection.
Nowadays, we all rely on technology or logic to inform our choices. Hence, following your intuition has become outdated and is sometimes seen as rash, ill-thought-out, and, at times, irresponsible. There seems to be some stigma towards intuitive thinking where many believe that intuition is related to mysticism or spirituality. But, I believe intuition is more than that. It is an amalgam of experience, emotional intelligence, risk tolerance, and your environment that creates and strengthens your intuition. For example, those who rely on their intuition feel comfortable taking risks because they have a support network that allows them to take risks.
Still, the stigma and subtle disdain towards people who rely on their intuition may make you feel ashamed.
But whether you listen to your gut feeling or not, those feelings are valid and should not be undermined. But, this article is not to debate whether rational thought or intuitive thinking is better. It is about helping you discover your intuition and empowering you to listen to it more.
Below are eight signs that you are self-aware and intuitive.
A key component of being intuitive is self-awareness. People who are more self-aware tend to be more intuitive because they can clearly recognize their feelings, thoughts, and emotions. While neither trait is mutually exclusive, the fact that they exist together is not surprising.
Self-awareness refers to the ability to self-regulate your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. It gives you mental clarity and allows you to trust yourself. Self-awareness is the foundation for being able to trust yourself and your decisions more.
- You are responsible.
Those who possess a high degree of self-awareness and intuition tend to be more responsible in their lives. They eschew placing blame on others. However, they also do not assume a responsibility that belongs to someone else. Taking responsibility is freeing in the sense that it instills a sense of self-assuredness and confidence. You realize that your choices affect your life, and thus you are empowered to make the changes you want to see reflected in your life.
- You are kind.
Logic is usually preferred when making decisions because it usually yields positive quantifiable results. However, if you were to approach everything in life logically, you might end up hurting someone in the process. Logic can sometimes lead you to make calculated choices that may harm someone.
An example that I can think of comes from Simon Sinek’s book Leader’s Eat Last. I finished the book sometime last month. The book touched upon the changes that have taken place–one of them being massive layoffs. Before the 1980s, it was different. Businesses did not usually resort to massive layoffs during times of financial struggle. However, today it is has become common practice.
To a company, laying off thousands of employees may seem like the logical best choice, but the best and kindest option would be to find other areas to cut back on and bolster employees so that production increases.
Intuitive thinkers tend to look at the bigger picture before making decisions and consider all parties involved.
- You tend to be more empathetic.
It is hard to be kind towards others if you lack empathy. Hence, self-aware intuitive thinkers are empathetic. Maybe, more empathetic than the average person. Their consideration for others extends beyond their capacity to place themselves in someone else’s shoes.
- You trust your beliefs but respect other people’s beliefs too.
Just like you listen to your intuition, you also respect and consider differing perspectives. Being intuitive also means that you know how to read other people. Since you understand how to read others, you tend to respect people’s opinions.
- You are discerning.
Intuitive thinkers are portrayed as rash decision-makers, but the opposite is true. According to Anastasia Belyh, intuitive thinking involves looking at the bigger picture. The information used to make the decision comes from your subconscious mind, which has more access to old information.
Intuitive thinking involves using your subconscious mind to draw up information from past experiences. It finds patterns to assess the current situation and make a choice. Intuitive thinking can be pretty powerful because it gives you more assurance when you make a choice.
However, I will warn you that intuitive thinking may not work in every single situation. So, find a balance and listen to your gut when it is appropriate.
- You are observant.
Self-aware intuitive thinkers tend to be more observant. Because they can see the bigger picture, they can see the patterns in things. This trait is desired for those who are businessmen or women. According to a 2016 study from The University of New South Wales, intuitive thinkers are more accurate and confident in their choices.
Perhaps this confidence comes from their ability to see and understand more information than what is presented.
Being intuitive and self-aware is great! Not only do you feel more comfortable making choices and pushing against the status quo, but also you are capable of bringing change. It is a unique trait and one that should be celebrated.
Belyh, A. (2019, September 25). How intuition helps us make better decisions. Cleverism. https://www.cleverism.com/how-intuition-helps-us-make-better-decisions/.
Cherry, K. (2020, June 3). How emotionally intelligent are you? Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-emotional-intelligence-2795423.
Hearnden, M. (2017, December 7). 24 things all Extremely self-aware people know and do. HuffPost. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/24-things-all-extremely-s_b_10333158.
Morin, A. (2011). Self‐awareness part 1: Definition, measures, effects, functions, and antecedents. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(10), 807–823. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-9004.2011.00387.x)
Rankin, L. (2020, February 25). 10 signs you’re intuitive & don’t know it. mindbodygreen. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-25715/10-signs-youre-an-intuitive-dont-know-it.html.
Synctuition. (2021, April 26). 5 benefits of learning to trust your intuition. Synctuition. https://synctuition.com/blog/five-benefits-developing-trusting-intuition/.
Synctuition. (2021, March 29). 5 remarkable traits of intuitive people. Synctuition. https://synctuition.com/blog/five-traits-highly-intuitive-people/.
Very informative article. Thank you very much for this article.