7 Psychological Tricks that Can Help You Make a Good Impression

3. Be open to new ideas.

Openness is a trait that invites others to join you. For example, if the person you’re dating suggests seeing a movie or going to a restaurant that you wouldn’t normally find yourself gravitating towards, don’t be quick to say no without giving it a try first. Give the new experience a shot. You don’t have to lie and tell them that you’re crazy about it, but you can let them know that you’re willing to try something new with them. This will also encourage them to do the same for something that you suggest in the future. It may also be a great ice breaker to do something the both of you haven’t done before. By engaging in a new activity, it can act as a conversation starter between the two of you, not to mention creating a sense of closeness by sharing a first experience together.

During a job interview, make sure to ask questions about the responsibilities of the job title. You can express your openness even further by asking what tips or suggestions the interviewer may have based on their own experiences of working for the company. This shows that you are also open to feedback and self-improvement, which emphasizes adaptability —a skill that companies seek when they hire someone new.

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  1. Hi! This is a particularly useful article especially for those who are anxious about not standing out enough during important events in their lives. Everything here was well written and developed. I do have a couple of suggestions for ways in which you could develop these points to include some more tips.
    For point 3, an idea for trying something new regarding dates is to choose something (for example, paintballing) that neither one has experienced before. Sharing reactions to something new – whether good or bad – can actually act as a topic of conversation and can also be entertaining. Not to mention, it is an ice breaker which is particularly useful if they have only just started dating.
    The issue you’ve raised in Point 5 can be particularly worrisome for those with social anxiety, as one can suddenly become aware that they have spoken about themselves for a long period of time. A tip for dealing with this and not creating the wrong impression, is to talk about the bigger reasons and issues in the world that affect your motivations for doing what you do. This will give the impression that you are engaged with current issues in the world and also helps to develop an air of humility.
    Another general piece of information that I thought was interesting to the topic is the effect of clothing colours on first impressions. For example, wearing red on a date can stimulate feelings of hunger, bizzarely enough. And wearing blue to a job interview can apparently inspire confidence. A further general tip for job interviews is to try (if possible) to arrange your interview to either be first on the list of candidates or last on the list. This actually increases the likelihood of the interviewer remembering you due to the primary and recency effect on memory.
    Overall a great article with a lot of useful information for readers!

    1. Hi Rosie, thanks so much for reading. =) Those are some excellent points you bring up. I took into account your recommendations and developed points 3 and 5 further. Thanks for your help! Have a great day!

  2. I am a Human Resources, Recruiter and found your article on point, very useful and honestly, it was a little “wake up check” for me. I try to assist candidates with preparing for their interview but after reading your article, I realize that I need to include a few more tips!
    Thank you!
    – Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy, thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with us! I’m so glad the article was of help! 🙂 We aim to provide helpful insights everyday to our readers and fans like you! Interviews can be nerve-wracking. I’m glad you found some tips you can give to the people you interview to make it a better experience for all of you. Have a great day! ♥