18 Mind-Blowing Surreal Artworks That Explore Psychological Mind-Falls by Artist Pulkit Kamal
16. Pret
I felt as religious as a summer breeze smashing the winds of our past scattering of whom I had idolized and whom I have detached from my life.
17. Vik
I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t act to anything. My feet were shivering and my mind, soul and heart were as numb as the silent northern woods of the Black Forest, and it was a condition turned to a degree of utter and copious deliverance of uninvited pain. Like a sheet of monstrous sadness covered every inch of my skin.
18. Akela
You call me in your sleep, you call me when in need.
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Thank you for posting my work.
Thank you for posting my work!
Np! Keep up the good work! If you have more you’d like to share with us, forward them our way! Editorial@psych2go.net
That gave me some weird refreshing feelings
And it did touched my heart…?