Can You Turn Lust Into Love?

Ever met someone who made your heart race but wondered if those fiery feelings could turn into something deeper? We see it all the time in movies: people with a no-strings-attached kind of relationship fall in love and live happily ever after. But how much of that applies to real-life romance? Let’s find out, shall we?
Lust vs. Love
According to psychologist Helen Fisher, love and lust exist on a spectrum. Lust is an intense and instantaneous physical and sexual desire, often accompanied by feelings of arousal. It becomes triggered when we see someone we’re sexually interested in, like when you imagine having a passionate encounter with a good-looking stranger. That’s lust.
Next comes attraction, which is more than just physical desire. It’s when you start to feel drawn to someone’s personality, charm, and unique qualities. You think about them often, feel excited to be around them, and crave more than just physical closeness.
Finally, attachment is where your feelings deepen into a strong emotional bond. You feel connected, safe, and comfortable with this person. You share a bond that goes beyond just romance and physical attraction. Attachment is the foundation of lasting love.
Other key differences are that lust usually fades quickly once satisfied, whereas love grows stronger over time. While lust focuses mainly on sexual gratification, love values emotional connection and intellectual compatibility too. Lastly, lust seeks personal pleasure while love prioritizes the other person’s happiness and well-being.
Can It Become More?
When you examine their emotional aspects, lust and love can seem incredibly similar at first glance; they’re both intense, passionate experiences. And when you’re caught up in the throes of desire, it’s easy to mistake lust for something deeper. But can lust actually transform into love?
Over the years, plenty of scientists have studied how relationships evolve and found some interesting things. For example: lust triggers an intense but short-lived flood of sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen), while love triggers the “bonding hormones” oxytocin and vasopressin, which make you feel close and connected to someone.
But despite the fleeting nature of lust, many lasting relationships start with lust. Furthermore, there are also some long-term relationships wherein one or both parties no longer feel any lust towards one another, and it becomes a problem.
But despite the fleeting nature of lust, many lasting relationships start with lust. More importantly, when the fire of lust dies out in a relationship, the lack of physical attraction creates emotional distance, as physical intimacy often goes hand in hand with emotional intimacy.
So to answer our earlier question: yes, lust can turn into love! But it’s not guaranteed and it often takes effort. Here’s how it might happen:
How Lust Turns to Love
1. Getting to Know Them
When you spend time with someone, you get to know their personality, values, and dreams. This curiosity and connection can slowly shift your feelings from physical attraction to a deeper interest in who they are, especially when you find mutual interests and similar values or perspectives.
2. Spending Time Together
Spending time together allows you to see beyond physical appearance. Perhaps you start going on dates, texting late into the night, and sharing stories about your lives. This builds emotional intimacy, and more shared experiences strengthens your bond.
3. Building Trust
Trust is essential for any relationship. Through shared experiences and honest conversations, you start to trust each other. Having open, honest, and meaningful conversations also helps you understand one other better and deepens your emotional intimacy. When you feel you can rely on someone and share your true self with them, it moves you closer to love.
4. Clear Expectations
If one person is looking for a long-term relationship and the other is only interested in a fling, it can lead to disappointment. Clear communication about what you both want is crucial to avoid misunderstandings.
Signs Lust is Becoming Love
But how can you tell if your relationship is moving from lust to love? Look for these signs:
- You enjoy the conversations as much as (or maybe even more than) the sex.
- You want to spend time together beyond physical intimacy.
- You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
- You want to meet their family and friends, and introduce them to yours.
- You want to honestly listen to each other’s feelings.
But remember, not all lustful feelings turn into love, and that’s okay. Sometimes, the chemistry fades, or you realize you’re not compatible in the long run. It’s important to recognize this and move on, rather than forcing a relationship that isn’t right for you.
Now that you have a better understanding of how lust can become love, take a moment to reflect on your own relationships. Are you experiencing just a fleeting passion, or is there potential for something deeper?
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- Tabackman, L. (2021 Jan 28). How to tell the difference between lust and love, according to relationship experts. Reviews.,experienced%20within%20a%20loving%20relationship.
- Orloff, J. (2011 Aug 15). Lust vs Love: Do You Know the Difference? Psychology Today.
- Harvard Graduate School. (2024 May 3). Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship. Science in the News.
- Loggins, B. (2023 Oct 31). Am I in Lust or Love? VeryWell Mind.