Did You Know They Make Gemstone Countertops? You’ll Want One When You See Them!

     Are you looking for the next hot trend? Gemstones have been around for ages, but it’s only recently that we’ve started harnessing their beauty for day to day use. Some people have believed for years in the healing power of gemstones, wearing gemstone pendants and rings to help regulate energy or ward off evil. We, however, want to embrace the more integral aspects of these beautiful stones by turning them into ordinary, everyday counter tops. They’ll hold your food, put up with spills, and brighten up your home. And they’re easy to clean! You couldn’t ask for anything better.  


This beautiful blue counter is made of labradorite, a mineral found most commonly in Labrador; though we also see it around the world, including in people’s kitchens. The radiant stones add an element of sparkle to even the darkest kitchen, which means it’s often integrated into designs featuring dark wood or contemporary metals.  

It’s also great for bathrooms, as the natural patterns don’t overwhelm even the smallest of spaces.

Look at how magic this bar is. Wouldn’t you love to have blue curacao on such a blue beauty?


The most versatile of gemstone counter tops, quartz has the benefit of having many subtle variations on the same style. Quartz is a crystal that has so many subtle shades and speckles that it’s hard to believe it’s all the same mineral.

Look at how well matched the counter tops are to both of these kitchen styles. Sleek, contemporary style is just as complimentary as classically styled cupboards and windows.


This perfect purple shade is only achieved through the power of nature. When the light hits these counters it looks like it glows, livening up even the most bland room. While you might think “expensive”, the counter tops are actually some of the most reasonable gemstone slabs.

They’re also the most vibrant, especially when paired with a simple white wash of the rest of the room. Gold and copper also look good, as it brings out the cool tones of the metal.


Petrified Wood

Do you want a kitchen counter top that holds the history of half a million years? Petrified wood might be for you. A composite material, these counters are made out of many pieces of wood; not just one slab! Due to the composed nature of the fossilized material, you can make many different patterns out of the same medium.
From stripes to circles, the sky’s the limit when designing your petrified wood counter top. Sturdy and well constructed means your kitchen will enjoy the natural elegance of this material for many, many years.
Original Article : Explorer Code
Sources: The Earth Child | Scottsdale Design Center | educateinspirechange.org


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