Here’s How You’re Misunderstood, Based on Your Personality Type
Hello, Psych2goers! Have you taken the MBTI Personality test before? Did you feel like fellow friends or colleagues put you in a box and labeled you as certain things which weren’t true? It isn’t rare to find yourself in such situations where people misunderstand you and harshly label you. Don’t fall prey to it and make sure to correct people if you feel like they have misunderstood you.
In today’s article let’s take a look at how you are misunderstood based on your personality type.
In case you don’t know your personality type here is a link for a free MBTI test that will help you find out your personality type:
ISTJs can often be misunderstood as people who are cold, detail-oriented, and stubborn. If one actually tries to take the time to understand an ISTJ and go beyond what meets the eye, they’ll realize that ISTJ’s are extremely loyal, genuinely funny, and honest.
What one may perceive as “nit-pickiness” is a result of their attention to detail. In fact, they are far from cold, ISTJs feel their emotions very deeply and would go out of their way to support, protect and be there for their loved ones. ISTJ’s may be stubborn but if you present them a practical and reasonable argument, they’ll listen to you with an open mind and might even end up changing their previously held opinions.
ISFJs are sometimes misunderstood as too restless and dogmatic. While most ISFJs yearn for security in their lives, once they get it, they can relax and be their own creative selves. The degree to which ISFJs are traditional varies. Some people are driven to tradition and repeating familiar and trusted experiences and rituals, while others are drawn to a more unconventional lifestyle, believing that traditions and rules cannot be trusted. They may be as adamant about avoiding tradition as other ISFJs are about following it. These ISFJs can appear edgy and out of the ordinary. ISFJs crave consistency in their life and may struggle with rapid changes. They succeed at doing things repeatedly, and they thrive in cultures and settings that they are familiar with.
ESFJs are social, compassionate, and hardworking by nature. However, to those who are more reserved, their curiosity in individuals and desire to understand them can come across as overwhelming and intrusive. They may have the impression that something about the ESFJ’s inquisitive, welcoming demeanor is fake or false. If people looked closer, they’d realize that ESFJs don’t just act as if they care, they genuinely do care. Their attention to detail and social etiquette makes them aware of what you require, how they portray themselves, and what the group as whole desires. It’s not artificial or pretentious; it’s simply the way they perceive and respond to the world around them.
ISTPs are frequently perceived as cold, distant, and/or lethargic. However, what most people don’t recognize or credit them for is their lightning-quick intellect and practical skills. They are some of the first responders in a crisis, and they are fiercely loyal to the people they care about. Due to their direct, honest attitude, they are frequently misunderstood as chilly.
When it comes to the misconception of lethargy, it is frequently linked to their perceptual preference. ISTPs have a tendency to mix work and play as perceivers, then receive a surge of energy as the deadline nears and hurry to complete. They accomplish the same amount of work as judging types, but in a different order. This really provides for more creativity and helps them to ponder an idea or project in order to come up with new methods to improve it.
ENTPs are frequently misunderstood as confrontational or lethargic. This is due to their ability to perceive things from several perspectives as well as their drive for flawlessness. They will not hesitate to bring out inaccuracies, biases, or inconsistencies, as well as to argue for a different, more logical viewpoint. They are enthralled by the process and do not consider it to be cruel. They take pleasure in mentally clashing with others until the final truth is disclosed.
When it comes to being lazy, many perceiving types struggle with this misconception. ENTPs have a distinct work style that can be perplexing to judging personalities who like a constant, systematic flow of energy. ENTPs, on the other hand, work toward a goal, then seek out related side goals and ideas, multitasking through all of them in random bursts of energy. They enjoy combining work and play before sprinting to the finish line at the final possible moment. Instead of rushing through the process, they can allow intuitive ideas and creativity to arise as they work.
ENTJs are frequently stereotyped as harsh, demanding, and/or narcissistic. They strike a balance between instructing and learning. ENTJs are wired to spot defects and inefficient procedures and rectify them since they are dominant extraverted thinking types. Although this is a strength and a vital asset in a team, it can come across as demanding or harsh. However, if we take a moment to consider the ENTJ’s intentions, we can see that they aren’t demanding. ENTJs frequently wish to make things better for the people they care about. They want to improve and streamline systems for their team members. They appreciate it when others can point out issues that they need to address. They don’t see this as being a personal attack.
ESTJs are frequently chided for being dictatorial, overly conventional, and picky. ESTJs are open to new ideas and notions, especially as they approach middle age and beyond. They are wired to discover defects and errors in their environment, which may make them appear dictatorial. It’s practically hard for them to overlook a system problem. ESTJs believe in properly managing their surroundings for the benefit of the people they care about. When it comes to being picky, ESTJs are exceedingly detail-oriented and are predisposed to see imperfections. This can make them appear nit-picky to those who aren’t wired that same way, but it also means they are skilled at problem-solving.
ISFPs are sometimes stereotyped as sentimental and/or overly emotional people. However, ISFPs are very private about their feelings and believe in honesty and establishing what is significant. They truly despise weeping in front of others and are more reserved with their emotions than many others. While some ISFPs are artists, ISFPs are statistically strongly represented in the sectors of health care, business, and law enforcement. This is related to their crisis-response abilities to think swiftly and realistically. They’re emotional, but they’re also stern, sensible, and anchored in reality. They’re not the kind who quiver in the face of danger or cry over spilled milk. They’re too grounded to be agitated over things that aren’t in their control.
ESTPs are frequently categorized as hasty, unreliable, and thrill-seeking. While this may be true of ESTPs who are still developing, healthy ESTPs balance their impulsivity with a deep understanding of the world around them. They analyze their decisions in terms of how they fit into the framework of their ideas and what makes sense using introverted thinking. They are impulsive, which is advantageous in emergency situations where quick thinking is required. ESTPs are drawn to exciting and joyful experiences, but they are also the ultimate realists. They will not waste their time with something that is simply foolish.
Attention-seekers, narrow-minded, and sluggish are all terms used to describe ESFPs. However, this isn’t true for all ESFPs; most ESFPs genuinely care about others and wish to share positive experiences and pleasures with others. They are resourceful and appreciate life’s simple joys. As a result, ESFPs flourish when they can help others have fun and be happy.
Deep discussions on personalities and behavior are common among ESFPs. They appreciate learning about what makes individuals “tick,” but they must first create trust before sharing their deeper emotions and feelings with others.
When it comes to being lethargic, it appears that this is a common misperception with all perceiving personalities. ESFPs prefer to combine work and play before sprinting to completion as a deadline approaches.
Making up only 2.1% of the US population, INTJs are a rare kind. They have a fundamentally different perspective on the world than the majority of people. While the rest of the world searches for physical data first, INTJs are more interested in patterns and underlying meanings. Others are often skeptical of their observations.
Fortunately, INTJs have an independent thought process that, over time, adds strategic knowledge and logical accuracy to their discoveries. However, individuals are more often than not forced to communicate with others using their second-most favored function, thinking, rather than their most preferred cognitive process, intuition. This might be aggravating and taxing for them in the long run.
Another misconception about INTJs is that they are distant and emotionless. What most people don’t recognize is that INTJs maintain a private emotional life that they don’t share with everyone. They adopt a technique known as Introverted Feeling, which focuses on developing an inner set of values and determining what matters on a subjective, ethical level. While INTJs aren’t very expressive or soppy, it doesn’t mean they don’t care about people. Their austere exterior conceals a very committed and compassionate inner nature.
INFJs, like INTJs are another rare kind constituting a mere 1.5% of the US population.
INFJs have a unique perspective on the world compared to other personality types. INFJs trust signs, insights, and associations that arise out of nowhere, whereas other people prefer definite, tangible data. An INFJ may experience a sudden moment of realization without being able to explain why or where it came from. However, that isn’t enough t convince the others. They’re looking for specifics and a step-by-step explanation for everything. The INFJ mind, on the other hand, does not approach things in a direct fashion. Their brains ponder over random bits of data, patterns, and connotations until, for some reason, they arrive at a conclusion before they understand how they got there.
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ENFJs can be misinterpreted as interfering, domineering, or “overly cheerful” ENFJs have a strong desire to understand others, therefore they ask too many questions and strive for open, straightforward communication. One of the ways they show they care is through the exchange of comfort and support. Others, on the other hand, may not appreciate their curiosity. They may find the ENFJs’ interactions to be too intrusive to feel comfortable with. ENFJs are normally aware of other people’s boundaries and will take a step back if they feel they’ve gone too far.
In terms of being “too cheerful” or bubbly, ENFJs love creating a happy and pleasant atmosphere. They despise conflicts and strive to maintain a pleasant attitude while meeting the emotional needs of others around them.
INTPs are sometimes labeled as oblivious, emotionless, or lazy. The way INTPs accomplish things and process information is not well understood by the majority of the world. INTPs are predisposed to identify errors and mistakes in what others say since they are dominant thinking types. They are frequently faced with frustration or resentment when they bring out these inaccuracies. However, because the INTP is so focused on accuracy, they may not understand that their remarks were unpleasant. They simply believe they are telling the truth.
INTPs enjoy combining one project with a slew of secondary projects that emerge along the line. As a result, their rooms are frequently littered with half-completed projects. When a deadline approaches, however, INTPs usually know how to get things done. So, while others may perceive them as easily distracted or lethargic, they are nonetheless doing just as much as other types, but in a different sequence.
INFPs are frequently stereotyped as impractical or overly emotional people. INFPs are driven by a deep desire to make their inventive ideas a reality. They are more likely to create substantial improvements all around them as they get healthier and more mature. However, because they don’t work in the same way as many other sorts, they’re frequently overlooked. They don’t come up with a specific vision and plan out a step-by-step path to get there because they’re sensing kinds and intuitive. They usually come up with a major idea, as well as a lot of other options. Their style of work can be perplexing to others who are accustomed to working in a more sequential manner. People who feel that everything must be done “by the book” may find their ambitious ideas unrealistic.
When it comes to being oversensitive, some INFPs, but not all, possess this trait. They are enthusiastic about their opinions and beliefs, and they can be sensitive to criticism delivered in an inappropriate way. They are, nevertheless, drawn to honesty and authenticity, so they make an effort not to be offended by constructive criticism.
ENFPs are frequently misinterpreted as flirty, impractical, or sloppy. Other people may mistake their exuberance and energy for flirtation, even if that is the absolute last thing the ENFP wants to portray. ENFPs are so driven by their imagination. Many more traditional people may regard them as impractical or unrealistic. They may try to stifle the ENFP’s imagination, but rather than repelling them, this typically drives them even more. They aim to push boundaries and achieve the unthinkable.
Although some ENFPs can be sloppy, it’s not the case for all of them.ENFPs are imaginative and love to take different approaches. They tend to get excited and get started on every idea they have ASAP. They accomplish the same amount of work as a judgment type, but in a different order that allows room for creative freedom and customization.
Susan Storm (August 11, 2018). Here’s How You Are Misunderstood, Based on Your Personality Type. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from: