Introverts Are Often More Creative. Here Are 10 Ways You Can Make Money With Your Creativity!

You’re a creative person, with lots of good ideas. But even artists need to make money. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your creativity though! We love the idea of making a living through art, and we’re sure that it’s possible. If you’re wondering how to start your new life making money through being creative, this is the list for you. We’ve compiled the best and easiest ways to make money in the creative sector. From street performance to online jobs, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to make creative work happen.

1. Teach, online or in person

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Whether it’s a class at a community centre or a independent online course, teaching is a fun and fulfilling way to both make money from your creative nature, and to develop it at the same time. The best teachers know that you never stop being a student, so this option is great for someone who wants to keep learning about their art. If you choose an online route as well, it’s easy to pre-record and upload video lectures all in one go, and send them out over many weeks. It’s totally up to you!
Check out: and your local community centre.

2. Get outside

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Everyone loves buskers, especially when they’re putting up quality work. If you’re a musician, performance artist, or visual artist, taking to the streets is a great way to earn some extra cash. Caricaturists can do very well in touristy areas, and actors or street magicians always bring a smile to people’s faces. While you might not make a ton of money, it’s a fun way to spend a Saturday, and gets your art out in the world.
Check Out:

3. Stay in the studio

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Want to continue drawing and painting, but don’t have the time (or resources)? Call up your local art schools, community centre classes, and art supplies stores to see if they’re looking for any life drawing models, studio support staff, or teaching assistants. Oftentimes schools are eager to get more life drawing models in, and you can make some decent money doing it. This gives you the added bonus of being in art classes and studios while you earn!
Check Out: Art studios, art supplies stores, and university courses.

4. Instagram it up

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One thing people don’t realize is that Instagram accounts can indeed make you a small ton of money. If you have a good account, post a lot of photos, and have a large number of followers, you’ve all of a sudden got a world of options lined up for making money. Working with companies and advertising their products on your IG can garner you some spending cash. You can also work on commission, linking to products and earning a little something every time someone buys it.
Check Out: and

5. Be the Write Fit

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One of the most lucrative business ventures is online writing. Whether you’re copywriting, creating viral listicles, or helping people make money developing their creative side, online writers are in demand. Sites like Psych2go (this one!), TheTalko, and Buzzfeed all utilize and employ dozens of writers. While some require you to be onsite, many will let you work from home, making your own schedule and own deadlines.
Check Out: and other online sites.

6. Start your own business
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Got a great, quirky design for a product you’ve created? Start an online store! There are tons of great formats for businesses out there already, though you can also make your own if you have a little bit of skill (and a lot of time). This allows you to charge what you want, experiment with selling different products, and allows you to get feedback from people around the world.
Check Out: and

7. Self-publish and self-promote

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You’ve written the next great novel… Now what? Maybe you’ve tried sending it off to publishing houses with no luck, or maybe you’re unsure if it’s appropriate for mass production. Try publishing an ebook! EBooks are becoming more and more popular, and offer greater accessibility than a print book. Plus, you can charge what you want, and work for your own end goals, not a publisher’s.
Check Out:

8. Take it further… Freelance!

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Like the idea of working for yourself? Freelancing might be for you. If you have a skill that you can market (music, writing, illustration, web design, advertising, etc), you’ve got a ton of options available for turning it into income flow. While you can reach out to companies, send out demo reels, and submit yourself to job application after job application, there are easier ways to work freelance. Some sites act as a job board for freelancers, where you can post your skills and pick up projects that work for you. Just be careful you stay motivated and on top of it all… Once the freelance train gets rolling, it’s hard to stop!
Check Out: and

9. Generate content (and sell it later)

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Whether it’s a webcomic or a serial novel, the idea of generating content is daunting to many people. Keeping up with the amount of new ideas necessary to engage customers, readers, and followers can be a lot of hard work. But does it have to be? No! There’s nothing that says you can’t generate a ton of content, but post it bit by bit. Donation links are a great way to make money here, or you can consider generating content and selling it off all at once (like with an instagram account).
Check Out:

10. Invent, develop, and design

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One of the best ways to make money as a creative type is to just generate. Keep doing what you’re doing, and never give up your art. While it might seem like it’s getting you nowhere, have faith: if you’re passionate about something and put yourself out there, you’ll find a way to make things work.


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