PSI and the Dark Web Part 1


It was near Halloween when ‘that day’ scared me to the core.

I was surfing online to kill time and boredom, but I had the unusual idea to go visit the place where no no one should explore, The Dark Web.

As to surf on the Dark Web, I used Tor and Onion to check out the sites.

An hour looking through the Dark Web, all that investigating, and NOTHING scary or creepy.

It was until I visited a website that spoke of studying the human mind. It got me to visit it, but was it gonna be the ‘real deal’ or another foolish website.

It wasn’t a website, but rather… A live stream, showing surgical tools and a desk with a person strapped to it. Unusually, my curiosity got the best of me so I stayed until the Live stream started.

As the live stream started, I only saw men wearing surgeon clothing, but the chat was telling them to do this and that to the person strapped to the desk.

As for these ‘surgeons,’ they did barbaric things to the poor person, I faintly whispered how unbelievable anybody could do this.

Unexpectedly, one of the surgeons turned to the camera saying to it, “If you think it’s unbelievable and barbaric, why not join us and see how this works in person…. PSI?”

I instantly closed down the computer, but now I’m on edge after that, so I started checking every window and door to be shut.

After 5 or 10 minutes, the front door’s doorbell went off, so idiotically I went to a window and slightly tilted the blinds down, seeing a delivery man holding a package. I hadn’t ordered anything online during my time surfing the web, but once again, I dumbly opened the door wide and spoke to him.

He said that it was a package from some unknown person who dropped the package at the Post Office, so they just thought it was a box they forgot to send and saw the location to be delivered, but no return. He just left me the box and walked away.

After that visit, that put me on edge even more. I chose to open the box and saw what disgusted me and left me shivering, making me drop the box.

It was the remains of a person’s limbs, but on the other side of the cover when I opened the box, it said, “I hope you like this Trick, even though it’s not Halloween yet, but don’t worry… We’ll be having a Treat for you on that day…. PSI.”

Halloween Night

As it was Halloween night, I didn’t want to disappoint the Trick or’ Treaters, so I just did what any sane person would do, open the door and give them the treats, but when that box said there’ll be a Treat on Halloween, I was still on guard.

Hours passed until I barely saw any Trick or’ Treaters, but when I was going to bed as there wasn’t a point to doing so, a Trick or’ Treater came walking up to my door.

The Trick or Treater came up to my door wearing cheap blood covers, so I thought it was him just Treating as a ghost, but I was wrong.

As I was about to open the door and hand them some candy, they brought out their hands to give me a box; A creepy waxy sealed up box. They said to me, this was my treat for leaving the stream early, then they just left in a rush, leaving me with the waxy sealed box. I examined the box and saw a note that said it contained something ‘demonic.’

The Next Day

I learned from my mistakes when I opened the box before Halloween, so I did some digging on a “Demonic Wax Sealed Box” and so many things came popping up. All of the websites that came up told me it was called the ‘Dybbuk Box.’

After those searches online, I had enough and put the Dybbuk Box into a closet where I also locked it up and kept the key to the door as a pendant.

Next Week

Although I kept the Dybbuk Box sealed in the closet, I still had my suspicions after so many concerning things started happening in the house. Picture frames falling off, lights turning on and off, and the creepiest of them all, the closest door shaking violently. 

Unexpectedly though…. There was a man looking through my window, so I ran outside to see who it was, but there was nobody, although what was left on my entrance was a note. The note said, “I hope you learned your lesson and your curiosity didn’t get the best of you to visit our home and call it horrible. If you want that the box gone, you better have a better idea that isn’t just keeping the Dybbuk Box in the closet.”

When I got the letter, I got my suspicions when it said “visit our home” I instantly thought of the Dark Web. Was the Dark Web this entity’s “home?” Whatever they mean by “home” I had to think of a better way to get rid of the box.

Day Two of the Box

Enough was enough, I thought of a better idea to put the box in. It wasn’t secretive or creative to some aspect for somebody to require this box. I buried the box during the night near my closet cemetary.

Of course I knew it was a bad idea, but I lived in an Urban Area, so where else should I hidden the box?  

Future Events

Although these paranormal things stopped, I still saw this man looking through my window, but I thought of it just being my mind playing tricks on me. 

I still kept on guard everyday, so let’s just say, “Unusual things were still happening.”

To Be Continued

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