Quiz: Do You Have Anxiety Disorder? Test Yourself!

It’s normal to feel anxious once in a while with life problems. For example before an exam or a deadline, every individual is expected to be scared or nervous. However, when anxiety stops us from carrying on with our lives, this could turn into a disorder. Do you think you have an excessive unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason at all? This easy quiz might help you get an idea about anxiety disorder.

Disclaimer: This is not a proper diagnosis. If you think you might be suffering from any type of anxiety disorder, please contact your doctor or a health care professional.
“3 Minute Anxiety Test & Screening. Get Instant Results.” Psycom, Remedy Health Media, LLC, 29 Mar. 2018, https://www.psycom.net/anxiety-test.
“Interview for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms.” Pilot Version. https://renaissance.stonybrookmedicine.edu/system/files/IMASInterview.pdf


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