Signs You have a high IQ, But Not EQ

Measurements of intelligence comes in many different forms, but the two you probably hear the most about are IQ and EQ. To better understand what these two are and how they relate, in this article, we’ll be comparing the two and seeing signs that you have a high IQ but not EQ.

What is IQ?

IQ refers to your intelligence quotient. This is usually derived from a test that assesses your overall ability to process and relate information, recognize patterns, and access working memory, among other factors (Stevens 2019). IQ is generally thought to be influenced primarily by genetics but can increase or decrease slightly based on certain factors.

What is EQ?

EQ refers to your emotional intelligence quotient. This refers to your ability to understand, identify, and control your emotions (Benedict 2005). Unlike IQ, EQ is thought to be more fluid and can change over time (Bradberry 2021). Also unlike IQ, EQ is not typically tested in the same way. While typically people with high IQ’s will also have a high EQ, the two work independently from one another.  

With that said, here are some signs:

1. You Feel Emotions Intensely, But Have Difficulties Controlling Them

High intelligence is associated with intense emotionality. You may find yourself reacting strongly to the world around you and have extra perceptiveness to your situation. While there are many benefits to this including having a strong sense for activism, appreciation for beauty, and deep empathy for others, it also comes with a number of downsides. If you have a low EQ, you may find it harder to cope with the darker side of having intense emotions (Bradberry 2021). Emotions can overwhelm you and you may have difficulties managing them which can lead to you lashing out at others, turning to substances, or finding some other unhealthy way to cope with your situation. 

2. You’re a High Achiever, But a Perfectionist

Highly intelligent people often achieve a lot and with ease, especially if you’re in an environment that allows you to grow. While high achievement is not necessarily a “requirement” for all highly intelligent people, they often find that their gifts and unique abilities can drive them to do great things. However, if you have a low EQ, you may find yourself getting caught up in the small details as a perfectionist. Perfectionism can slow your productivity, stress you out, and make you difficult to work with. Working to ease this tendency can make projects flow more peacefully, quickly, and collaboratively. 

3. You Struggle with Relationships

People with high IQ’s often report difficulties in their relationships. You may find yourself feeling misunderstood, overlooked, and having a hard time relating to others. EQ can play a factor in this as well. People with low EQ’s tend to have similar issues and may find themselves further struggling with empathy, keeping a two-way conversation, and maintaining a connection to others. 

4. You Procrastinate

Procrastination is generally associated with having an high IQ. Not necessarily out of laziness, but as a way to take the time to consider ideas before jumping in. Additionally, having a higher IQ can mean the riskiness of putting something off is less than what someone else may struggle with. However, procrastination is also associated with having a lower EQ. This can be attributed to the added stress in delaying an important task which can be counterproductive in some circumstances. 

5. You Work Hard, But Neglect Self-care

Highly intelligent people tend to care a lot about the projects they are working on and can tirelessly pursue them. However, with a low EQ, you may find that producing a solid product can come at the expense of your physical and emotional well-being. You may work late into the night on an assignment, while skipping meals and sacrificing sleep. Finding ways to balance your hard work and self-preservation will be beneficial to you and your projects.

6. You’re Impulsive

Did you know that there is a correlation between impulsivity and and a high IQ? The same can be said about having a low EQ though. While people with a high IQ can be incredibly methodical, at the same time they may find themselves jumping into situations and “winging it.” This type of risky impulsive behavior can come with a plethora of consequences that seem counterproductive. Having a low EQ can also attribute to similar behaviors. While generally those with high IQ’s may find improvising easy as they can easily navigate problems that arise, having a low EQ as well can lead to even riskier impulsive behaviors. With increased emotional intensity, having a low EQ in this area can lead to risk-taking behaviors involving substances and jumping headfirst into situations without thinking about potential consequences. 

While generally having a high IQ is associated with a high EQ, this is not always the case. Being in tune with your emotional state is extremely important for your wellbeing. Finding ways to be more mindful and self-caring can be a great way to unleash even more of your potential. We hope you were able to find this article insightful, and we encourage you to share your thoughts on it in the comments below.


  • Benedict, C. (2005). Emotional Intelligence EQ vs. IQ: Why Do Some Smart People Keep Making the Same Dumb Mistakes? Serenity Online Therapy.
  • Bradberry, T. (2020, February 28). 14 signs that you’re incredibly emotionally intelligent — and a high performer. Business Insider.
  • Bradberry, T. (2021, August 26). article. TalentSmart.
  • Cherry, K. (2020, July 13). 9 Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence. Verywell Mind.
  • Haden, J. (2021, November 7). 4 Red Flags That Actually Prove You’re Smarter Than You Think, Backed by Science. Inc.Com.
  • Heingartner, D. (2021, September 22). IQ and EQ: new study finds that high-IQ people also have more emotional intelligence. PsychNewsDaily.
  • Raypole, C. (2020, December 15). 11 Signs of Intelligence Proving There’s More Than One Way to Be a Genius. Healthline.
  • Stevens, A. (2019, December 3). What is IQ — and how much does it matter? Science News for Students.

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