9 Positive Advantages of Being Shy

“Being shy makes your brain work better.” –psych2go.me

Aside from moving around 4 elementary schools until I finally remained stable at one, I never really experienced many “shy” moments in my life. I’m a natural born extrovert and even when I possessed extremely low self-esteem, I hardly found it difficult to strike up a conversation with anyone. Now, I’ve always been pretty self-cautious and carried a load of anxiety but, still, I was never shy. Only recently have I formed a more reserved personality, in which I’ve become more introverted (not shy, but rather, choose to listen more often than speak).

Shyness: the personality temperament has always had a negative stigma association more so than a positive one. Although it’s easy to beat oneself up about being shy, let’s look further into how being shy brings up many positive advantages. Hopefully, this list will aid shy individuals in better understanding themselves and develop that confidence they necessarily might not contain. And heck, maybe turn that shyness into introversion (If you don’t know yet, being shy is different than being an introvert. Introverts just rather choose to be quieter and reserved).

1. Modesty is Attractive

They don’t brag about their success or accomplishments. They may downsize compliments or their own positive attributes.

2. Cautious

They look before they leap; they plan for the unexpected, avoid unnecessary risk and set long-term goals. They live with moral code instead of being rebellious, therefore, they usually don’t find themselves in trouble. Parents, teachers and other authority figures likely trust them to make the right decisions.

3. Sensitive to Detail

They’re detail-oriented because they’re sensitive to stimulation- this leads to a great appreciation for fine details. For example, they might hate roller coasters (a lot of stimulation) but they will likely notice all different flavors in a meal.

4. Approachable

Shyness is rarely a threatening characteristic of people and it’s easier to approach a shy person than it is to do so with a social butterfly. Most shy people don’t have a stuck-up attitude.

5. Calming Effect on Others

Shy people give off a peaceful vibe, especially in an environment that is very upbeat. Their calmness and ability to not be dramatic may have a positive effect on others.

6. Human Service Positions/Empathy

They’re extremely sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others, which leads to them excelling in human service positions, such as being a psychologist or teacher. They’re great listeners who people can easily open up to. Shy leaders are often more effective as they talk less and listen more than extroverted leaders.

7. More Trustworthy

They don’t gossip much or brag; people can trust them with keeping secrets.

8. Deeper Friendships

The few friendships they possess are usually deep long lasting ones. Making friends probably isn’t easy for them so when you do stumble upon a friend, they value them greatly and work to maintain it.

9. Successful at Solitary Work

A majority of jobs require focus and concentration in a solitary environment (accountant, clerical work, lab technician, etc.) and this is where shy people thrive in. Because they aren’t very social, they have fewer distractions and interruptions which allows them to perform exceptionally in solitary work, or even work itself.

If you’re currently a shy person, share your thoughts on how it has or continues to affect you. Do you hope to one day overcome your shyness or are you perfectly fine with this characteristic? I’d love to hear what you all say!







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  1. Thanks for the clarification, especially that part about shyness is different from introversion. Keep up the good work and still waiting for more of your articles. 🙂

  2. This is all spot on. I would like to stop being awkward af at times but that’s also part of my charm so I wouldn’t change that for anything. I’m confident that I’m shy 😁Great stuff as always. Always conveniently a topic affecting me at the time as well.