This Quiz Will Accurately Reveal The Creepiest Thing About You

Want to know what is the trait about you that is scary, weird, or gross? Here’s the bummer, no one is safe from this as well are all human. Each of us has our own set of negative qualities, and we have the right to know about it. Finally, this is your chance to do so! Just answer the questions in the quiz below without thinking too much and read about your creepiest trait. Have fun!
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Was it accurate? Share this quiz with your friends and family and see what they get.
O.O okay so what is this called? Particularly when you cant control your emotions? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!
a personality disorder apparently lmao
Just too many ads
This is well put in word which is almost what i am.
You Are An Emotionally Volatile Nightmare
Your heart guides you and sometimes that’s not as dreamy or romantic as it might sound. It’s true that your feelings often inspire you to heal and create, and as long as those feelings don’t steer you wrong, you’re capable of truly visionary accomplishments in the name of empathy and love.
Feelings, though, aren’t always gentle and sweet. You know that better than anyone, because your own emotions – the same overwhelming forces that inspire you to make the world a better place – can take you to very dark places, especially if you believe that the subject of your ire has shown unwarranted cruelty toward you or something you hold dear. You know that your feelings aren’t necessarily rational, but that doesn’t stop you from dramatically blaming other people for causing you pain. Of course, you might not even stop at crying; that notoriously brilliant creativity might even spur you to express your wrath artistically – nothing says “emotional stability” like a morose, vengeful poem.
Where are the results? Theres only ads, no results.
So the creepiest thing about me is a very helpful quality for an aspiring serial killer… Oookay
Sadly it was accurate
Thank God I have a gym membership…..
It didn’t give me any results. It showed me that I completed100% of the questions, but I didn’t get told anything.
Okay it says I’m shockingly violent…. but I never hurt anyone. The worst I’ve done is kill bugs. The only thing I can think of that it might be referring to is my self hatred. Sometimes when I have anxiety attacks my self hatred gets so bad I see flashes of violent things happening to me. The majority of my brain is like “NO THANK YOU!” But there’s always a tiny part that says “yeah that’s about right.” But I’d never hurt anyone and I’ve never been violent towards anyone.
Hey khristina my serial killer friend… I guess we’re both serial killers…. Look me up on Tumblr isee73-TEARSRUNRED; we’ll go smash the hell outta some corn flakes!
so….it won’t spit out my results. i don’t know why.
mine either
So the creepiest thing about me is a McDonald’s ad, cool
Meh, not really I rarely talk so idk how I’d be controlling.
I’m shockingly violently! I need anger management…nah not true. I had fun playing the quiz, anyway.
It’s kind of me.
How can I be shockingly violent three times, with the different answers?¿?¿?
Oh, I get it, it’s a test, shit, I should have thought about that before I killed my whole family out of anger of the results.
What’s the point ,,,,
Not getting any results. Only ads.
This is the complete opposite of me..not accurate at all
I never attacked someone physically nor verbally but am I supposed to believe I’m violent? Suure, I have had stressful situations and feel anger about something but not to the point I can’t control my thoughts. Anyway, it was still fun XD. Thanks for the fun.
Pretty much me
You Are An Emotionally Volatile Nightmare
Your heart guides you and sometimes that’s not as dreamy or romantic as it might sound. It’s true that your feelings often inspire you to heal and create, and as long as those feelings don’t steer you wrong, you’re capable of truly visionary accomplishments in the name of empathy and love.
Feelings, though, aren’t always gentle and sweet. You know that better than anyone, because your own emotions – the same overwhelming forces that inspire you to make the world a better place – can take you to very dark places, especially if you believe that the subject of your ire has shown unwarranted cruelty toward you or something you hold dear. You know that your feelings aren’t necessarily rational, but that doesn’t stop you from dramatically blaming other people for causing you pain. Of course, you might not even stop at crying; that notoriously brilliant creativity might even spur you to express your wrath artistically – nothing says “emotional stability” like a morose, vengeful poem.
I’ve never “dramatically blamed” anyone. My feelings are rational. Denying anger when someone’s actually made you angry isn’t healthy. Acting on it in a destructive manner is of course.
Not a million miles off but not deadly accurate either
It claims I’m an emotionally volitile nightmare but that’s nearly the opposite of me. I was expecting something about being an emotionally distant sociopath. I’ve been accused of being a robot more than once.
I am a two-faced liar and can’t help not being loyal and honest … sorry but that’s not accurate at all :/ especially that part: “At least you’re charming enough to keep making new friends and replacing the ones who felt too hurt or betrayed to trust you again.” Sry I’m not charming at all but socially anxious af and have the same 2 friends I’ve had for 20 years. I know better than to talk “behind their backs”.
But well, i had fun taking the quiz and it can’t always be right 🙂
Nope. Not me. It might be that I’m indecisive about some of the questions or quite indifferent. But the results are exactly the opposite. It says that I’m a two faced liar but I’m exactly the opposite. I’m a cache full of secrets
It doesn’t work. Tried half a dozen times and no results. Maybe I’m awesome and invincible.
This one is totally off the mark, whoever your getting to do some of these obviously knows nothing about psychology because they’re missing it, my answer was nothing like me, I’ve never been two-faced to anyone and i hate gossip.
Ok… so i aspire to be a serial killer and I am a control freak? Maybe. Perhaps I murder people who are annoying to me, then I turn them into soffisticated dishes and have them for dinner with my psychologist. Who knows?
Ok I got “disturbing control freak” and am now realizing this is why I’m a switch
Wow, the result matches what it says about me. But I’m not that violent, just need some time to cool off. Not that accurate but still, it matches what it says about me.
I have a question…. HOW the fuck do you determine that I’m a narcissistic monster by saying that I love red, my favourite marvel character is thor, I like to help my friends by calming them down when in a fight, I’d love to have healing powers and I love to stay alone most of the time?
HOW do you say I’m attention seeking if I love to stay alone all the time or help others or whenever anyone sees something wrong with me, I’ll push them away just so I don’t let them get involved just so that I make sure I don’t create any “drama”.
An emotionally volatile nightmare… Pretty accurate lol
No no no no no no no! They said that I’m a narcissistic monster that loves spotlight when I really aren’t. I hate drama and can’t handle it, so I stay my best away from it, but they said that I love to make drama to have fun!! Everything’s soo wrong!
At first I got a narcissistic monster then they said that I’m a 2 faced lyer???? This shot is so not true!
Aspiring serial killer. Nice.
This is super inaccurate for once :-/
I’m not actually violent. Super rarely I am & when I am I am, but it’s not often.
I am really explosive I get chills when I start getting mad at something or someone, I apart and try to calm down stress balls don’t work at all, when I get mad I also have my arms,legs and head cold sweat, it’s like the urge of punching something messes with me a lot
But yeah btw nice quiz
tbh… kind of accurate.
You’re A Narcissistic Monster
You’re the best – right? Wherever you go, the spotlight finds you, and you’re hardly complaining. You can’t imagine your friends care, since, after all, you’re so generous. Well, that’s what you like to think about yourself. You’re generous, enthusiastic, and fun, so if you compulsively steal the spotlight, it doesn’t really matter. If you fuel drama just to feed your thirst for a dramatic life, is it really that bad? Is it really so wrong for you to be the center of attention? Does it really matter how other people feel about it in the long run? Of course, you’d never say no. You’re the generous friend, and you’d never hurt anyone on purpose just to keep all eyes on you… right? Every now and then, you imagine your funeral and how all of your friends will go on and on about how wonderful, magnetic, charming, and generous you were.
Your Possessiveness Is Really Uncomfortable
It’s obvious to everyone around you that you feel the need to keep everything just the way you like it, and that insistence often borders on obsession. Your persistence, materialism, and sentimentality can prevent you from ever letting things go, and the more you care about them, the more stubbornly you defend your right to own them forever. Sorry to say, but there are some things, like memories and loved ones, you simply can’t own, and trying to stake your claim over them just makes you seem unbalanced and creepy. It probably wouldn’t hurt to quit being such a hoarder, too – none of your guests enjoy trying to find a seat in a room piled high with reminders of everything you refuse to let die.
But i dont shout at anyone they shout at me…how do i then control them i have some classmate in class that controls everybody and creepiest thing about me is that i can creepy eyes and smile
I think it was right on, but I hold it in and don’t let it out
Um, no.
I got two-faced liar and I want to believe it’s not true but I can’t help but heard something in the back of my mind telling me I’m lying to myself and I’m not the good person I think I am…
This was my exact response & feeling
In the past I had a big problem with anger explosions when I was out I did not know what I was doing, now I’m better, the test was almost right, it says shockingly violent
“You are shockingly violent”
I…have literally never seriously hit another person since I was 6 years old…
Lol. Violence is not always physical. But the test could be inaccurate too!
This Quiz Will Reveal The Creepiest Thing About You!
You Are A Disturbing Control Freak
Caring for people and things does not work the way you think it does. You are so invested in making sure that everything around you is perfect that instead of showing you care, you plan and control without asking for any input (which, of course, you justify by telling yourself that you aren’t burdening anyone else with extra work). You show dedication and attention to everything the same way you would a bonsai tree: meticulous maintenance, control, planning, and foresight. You call this “dedication,” but it’s not – it’s needing personal control so badly that you’ve confused it for real connection – which is not really a great quality in a friend, but a very helpful quality in an aspiring serial killer.
*Oops? And like wtaf, this thing read me so clearly, I try to separate things and people but it’s hard when I’m equally possessive over both.
I picked many of the most passive options, which confirm that I’m a rather laid back person. But the result?
“You Are Shockingly Violent
There’s no getting around this: you desperately need to attend anger management. You’re just as headstrong and opinionated, and your energy and enthusiasm can turn into explosive violence at the drop of a hat. You’re a walking time bomb of seething rage, and the more you try to hide it, the more it escapes in unpredictable, volatile mood swings. Do yourself a favor and invest in a stress ball or a gym membership before you do something you’ll really regret.”
Not even close! This is basically the opposite of me. Many of your other quizzes are really great and accurate. Not this one.
Not that I take it too seriously. I take the quizzes just for the fun of it.
Your Possessiveness Is Really Uncomfortable
It’s obvious to everyone around you that you feel the need to keep everything just the way you like it, and that insistence often borders on obsession. Your persistence, materialism, and sentimentality can prevent you from ever letting things go, and the more you care about them, the more stubbornly you defend your right to own them forever. Sorry to say, but there are some things, like memories and loved ones, you simply can’t own, and trying to stake your claim over them just makes you seem unbalanced and creepy. It probably wouldn’t hurt to quit being such a hoarder, too – none of your guests enjoy trying to find a seat in a room piled high with reminders of everything you refuse to let die.
“Two-Faced Liar”? How? I literally never tell anyone’s secrets and I have not betrayed the trust of any of my friends. I left my old friend group because they kept betraying MY trust for 6 years straight. And charming enough to make new friends? Please. I’ve had the same few friends I see occasionally since I was born, and one friend I saw frequently when I was younger, and only because they were the most social person on earth. Then it was that trust betraying group for six years, and it was literally defined by us all having been kicked out of other groups for being “weird”. Now I have 4 friends I see frequently, and none of them are particularly close. Again, it was because the person who got us all to end up hanging out is super social. Also I hate gossip.
I don’t know how this quiz got Two-Faced Liar from picking dark blue as my favourite colour, Captain America as my favourite Marvel character, trying to CALM PEOPLE DOWN for my reaction a fight, being an introvert(liking to spend time alone), wanting the power to freeze time(because I really hate how my life’s progressing right now and I need time to breathe), and wanting to surprise someone on a date, which I only picked because it was about doing something for the other person, which I like doing. Can someone try to explain this to me?
I have a minute away from an emotional meltdown i feel.
so who told you? Surprisingly ACCURATE AF 😎
Lmaoooo the accuracy. I’m a fucked up person.
Huh, it was wrong. I’m not a two faced liar. I can and will take secrets to the grave.
I dont have a Violent bone in my body, “F…You, Mother Feffer”
You’re A Narcissistic Monster
You’re the best – right? Wherever you go, the spotlight finds you, and you’re hardly complaining. You can’t imagine your friends care, since, after all, you’re so generous. Well, that’s what you like to think about yourself. You’re generous, enthusiastic, and fun, so if you compulsively steal the spotlight, it doesn’t really matter. If you fuel drama just to feed your thirst for a dramatic life, is it really that bad? Is it really so wrong for you to be the center of attention? Does it really matter how other people feel about it in the long run? Of course, you’d never say no. You’re the generous friend, and you’d never hurt anyone on purpose just to keep all eyes on you… right? Every now and then, you imagine your funeral and how all of your friends will go on and on about how wonderful, magnetic, charming, and generous you were.
Um, not really me, at all. In fact, I hate myself, honestly. I also hate being in the spotlight, all it does is rile up my anxiety which would most likely lead to a panic attack. I also hate drama. Don’t like partaking in drama, don’t like spreading it, and don’t like hearing or talking about it.
I guess this quiz is a hit or miss?
in parte si , la descrizione corrisponde , questo quiz mi ha fatto pensare…
Shockingly violent!
Yeah i felt it was off on mine saying I’m possessive…. not me. I figured violent or some heinous odious thing..
I’m apparently a “narcissistic monster”? I don’t think this test is that accurate because it doesn’t ask why you chose the answers you did. I mean honestly, they ask you your ideal date and one of the answers is literally “pet shop because animals melt my heart”. Yeah I’d like to go to a pet shop, but not because animals melt my heart, but I do like to see other animals, especially ones I couldn’t, or wouldn’t have as a pet. I chose to “try to calm my friend down” in the chance he was in an argument, I said that because I’m more of a peace maker than someone who likes to get into fights and arguments. But apparently that is very selfish and narcissistic of me. I’ve even taken a “how narcissistic are you?” Test and I was like 6% narcissistic. This is Not one of the more accurate tests I’ve ever taken. I just think it should have been more in depth than what it was in asking why I made the choices I made instead of telling me why I made those choices.
I don’t even like attention that much. If I was in a movie I’d be one of the blurry faces in the background that you barely notice, heck I almost didn’t even want to post a comment for fear of being noticed and talked about.
I can’t see my results
I want to feel offended but I know this is me.
2 Faced Liar
Ok i am a disturbing control freak and like it says it is a good thing to have if you are a serial killer wtf no thank you
Not accurate.
Aspiring serial killer, hahaha 😂😂😂
i fucking cannot do this test because there are boxes covering and i cant submit