7 Signs of an Extroverted Introvert

Have you ever been described as the life of a party – but still feel drained after long stretches of social interaction?

Then you might be an extroverted introvert. While you don’t entirely relate with people who are undeniable introverts, you can’t say that you match the energy levels of the outgoing extrovert types either.

If you’re not sure if you’re an extroverted introvert, here are some signs that may help clear things up for you.

1. You’re selective with who you spend your time with.

While you may enjoy being around people, you know that there are only a few who make you feel like your true and genuine self.

You find deep conversations with strangers genuinely fascinating, sure, but you most likely won’t go out of your way to talk to a random person down the street. You’re more at home in the company of good friends and being your true, genuine self.

2) You’re naturally curious about everyone.

When you’re in a talking mood, an extroverted introvert can talk to anyone about pretty much anything.

You’re naturally curious about others and hold a genuine interest in people, strangers, and friends alike. Their life stories? Sure! The hobbies that they’re passionate about? Absolutely.

But, regardless of how enjoyable the conversation was, you’d still need to recharge at the end of the day. There’s still a limit to your capacity to socialize, after all.

3) You reach out to others when you’re battery is ‘full’

What would you say you’d prefer: a no-activity weekend or a packed one?

For a genuine introvert, they’d lean towards the former. They’d usually be content staying in, reading a book, watching their favorite show, or doing any solitary activities and hobbies.

On the other hand, a no-activity weekend may not be that appealing to an extroverted introvert.

After your batteries are fully charged, you’ll be eager to socialize again. Whether it be by brunch or meet-up for coffee, you’ll always find time to initiate a meet-up with your friends.

4) Chitchat is easier for you than more introverted folks.

Do you find it natural to speak with other people?

Introverts tend to despise small talk and fluffy chit-chat. They can also get quite reserved, especially when they don’t know the person too well.

Extroverted introverts, on the other hand, find it easier to rouse discussions with new people. They can be naturally good conversationalists in a pinch – as long as they steer the topic into something that they’re interested in.

5) You want a connection, not surface-level idle talk.

Even if you may be deemed more sociable than most introverts, you don’t sacrifice the quality of your conversations in favor of quantity.

You’re not the type who enjoys chatting about the weather or other forms of pleasantry. You want a real connection, one that borders an emotional and intimate level.

You like finding answers to questions such as: What’s your story? What are your dreams? What makes you tick? as opposed to surface-level chatter.

6) You’re not the first to speak in a group.

In a group setting, you’ll likely not be the first to speak, especially if it’s a group full of extroverts. It’s more likely that you’ll take a backseat and observe first.

You may also find that you’re more introspective in a group setting. You’ll be looking at how the conversation is flowing, who’s taking part in it, and what the dynamics are like.

However, if ever there’s a time for you to speak up or contribute, you don’t hesitate or shy away from taking the spotlight. You’re perfectly comfortable taking a leadership role, adding points of discussion, or questioning things as needed too.

7) People confuse you for an extrovert all the time.

Do people get surprised when you tell them you’re actually an introvert?

As your behavior lies between the introversion-extroversion spectrum, it’s not too uncommon for people to mistake you as an extrovert. You may come across as being more sociable and outspoken than most introverts – but that doesn’t mean you aren’t one.

Extroverted introverts can fluctuate between two opposites – being a homebody vs being outgoing; doing fun hobbies in isolation vs. socializing with their friends; and conversing with strangers and staying reserved and quiet.

Extroverted introverts don’t have a solid preference one way or another – it all depends on their social battery during that time!

Closing Thoughts

We hope you’ve learned more about how extroverted introverts behave and what makes them stand apart compared to ordinary introverts. Do you relate to any of the above signs? Have we missed any signs that you’d like to make people aware of? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

That’s all for now, Psych2Goers!


  • Granneman, J. (Oct 5, 2018). If You Relate to These 10 Signs, You’re Probably an ‘Extroverted’ Introvert. IntrovertDear. Retrieved at https://introvertdear.com/news/extroverted-introvert-signs/
  • Michaela (n.d). 6 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert. IntrovertSpring. 6 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert. Retrieved at https://introvertspring.com/6-signs-youre-an-extroverted-introvert/
  • Evans, S. Nov 17, 2019. 10 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert. Psych2Go. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMaW8NIqYM0

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