Diary of an Introvert with Cabin Fever: 3/31/2017

Best. Day. Ever!

First, I didn’t have any obligations! The power went out this morning so I had to do a little damage control on that, but other than that, I was completely free!

I took another walk today. It was super cold and windy, so I only went around the block.

Once I took a nice warm shower, I got to work. First, I created a new video for my AuthorTube. It’s a continuation of my “How to Use Dungeons and Dragons to Write a Novel” series.

Once that was done, I made some progress on my Marx Brothers presentation that’s due next week.

Finally, I got to work on some art. I don’t know why I ever stopped…

After some writing for a project, I started working on my book. I haven’t made much progress on it since the semester started three months ago, but today I got back in gear. I edited a chapter and I wrote another one. A lot of that progress is because of the Writer’s Block Playlist that Lin-Manuel Miranda created on Spotify.


It felt so freaking good to be so productive on MY PERSONAL PROJECTS today rather than stuff I have to do for class or other people. This is why I love Fridays!

Right now my entire state is under a winter storm warning, so I’m not super thrilled that “Winter is Coming” (Back) but I wasn’t going to go outside tomorrow anyways. April Fools Day is one of those days that is spent completely within the house if I have everything to do about it.

To be perfectly frank, I’m a really gullible person. There are days where I can be skeptical, but most days I’m pretty foolish and there is little that I won’t believe. That makes April Fool’s Day the bane of my existence. If I have to go out, I question everything I am told. If I don’t, I won’t.

But that’s something to worry about tomorrow. For tonight, I’m gonna kick back with a beer. Maybe paint my nails and hope that tomorrow is just as successful.



Edited by Viveca Shearin

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