Gemma Correll’s – Mental Illness Feels Like Art

Gemma Correll

Gemma Correll is an amazing cartoonist. She is the artist of A Cats Life and A Pug’s Guide to Etiquette among many others. I love Gemma’s Mental Illness Feels Like art. I feel like she perfectly sums up what its like to battle with different mental disorders. At times we don’t know how to describe what we go through. I know I do, sometimes I feel stuck and don’t know what to say. When that happens I look up quotes or artwork to explain to those I love how I feel. The following is Gemma Correll’s Mental Illness Feels Like Art:

Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll
Gemma Correll

Did Gemma’s artwork perfectly describe you? How would you describe your mental disorder? Let me know in the comment section below. Also, feel free to read these stories: Depression and Anxiety – A True Inspirational StoryDepression – A True Story, & Anxiety – A True Inspirational Story.

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  1. Quite a few of these images I could relate to: the treading water, anxietea, chasing a “normal” life, try harder, hall of mirrors, sinister creature, and constant fatigue ones. What does that mean about me? I haven’t seen a psychiatrist about these things, and I don’t really want to bother my parents (I’m a student) with getting a mental test or screening or whatever it’s called, because I know it usually costs quite a bit, and I don’t want them to spend even more money on a problem that might not even (hopefully doesn’t) exist. But so many times when I see a thing for this site (most memorably the”7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression” article), I feel a connection to what I read. Is there anything anyone can tell me about this? Thank you.

    1. If it bothers you so much that it’s affecting your quality of life, then i think you should see someone about it, or atleast take online tests JUST to have an idea of what you’re problem is, i don’t recommend you to self-diagnose, anyways, good luck, i know at times it can be really hard just to get by, but when they say “it gets getter” it really does 🙂 you just have to keep on going

      1. I have taken a few online tests, and I do kinda have an idea of what kind of problems I might have (key word “might”; I don’t want to mis-self-diagnose you know?). Thank you though, I really appreciate it. 🙂