How to Open Up The Mind

Do you consider yourself to be an open minded person or do you find it difficult to engage in conversations for the matter that it might cause you anger or discomfort? Is it all right when people disagree with you or does it drive you crazy? 

If the answers to the questions above aren’t positive, it’s probable that you have a little trouble opening up your mind. 

Purposefully, today’s article is about How to Open Up The Mind.

1: Understand That Considering External Point of Views Doesn’t Invalidate Your Own

One main struggle that people have when pondering their surroundings divergent ideas is the fear of letting go of their primary concepts and adopting thoughts that aren’t descendent from their own mind. It’s a safety feeling that people urge to keep! 

In fact, opting to be close minded has to do with the necessity of not letting go of the control in which, provides them (us) a fake sensation of security and well-being. 

However, nobody’s thoughts, ideas, beliefs or concepts are a guarantee of legitimacy, not even ours! That being the case, when you feel triggered by a controversial opinion that is making you feel unsafe just try to remember that whoever is saying it doesn’t possess all of the reasonableness and moderation that’s available in the world. It’s merely their opinion! 

2: Nothing’s Written On Stone 

As we’ve previously learned, the need to keep us safe and on track has us making sure our “certainties” are safe and guarded in a holy space in our heads where nobody can have access to, so they don’t disrupt them, correct? 

No, because NOTHING’S WRITTEN ON STONE! This sentence is liberating isn’t it? Unfortunately, many are scared of it since it’s the one thing that gives them that “I’m safe” feeling. 

Accepting that life isn’t linear and that we need to flow with it according to what it presents to us would be a fantastic first step towards opening up the mind. Wouldn’t it?

As uncomfortable as it seems, nothing is promised, our beliefs and theories included! 

3: Don’t Underestimate People’s Understanding

From time to time (or very often depending on the individual involved) we might catch ourselves underestimating people’s capacity of discernment, which automatically steers us to a place of ostracism and fake supremacy. 

Assuming that we know better even before giving others a chance to present their perception to us is not only arrogant as it’s also quite reckless considering the fact that we all have the means to construct a better and more accurate outlook on life.

Instead, make an effort to be all ears for as much time as you can and keep in mind that expecting nothing is more likely to bring you surprises than assuming that there’s not a single thing to come outside of your immaculate rationality.

4: Learn to Discard 

Undoubtedly, being an open minded person is going to serve us more than a little unintelligent statements to hear and oh, boy… It ain’t easy!

Discarding what we don’t consider to be of use in our reality is completely fine and respectable, we can listen and appraise the words that we hear and still choose not to keep them. However, if we want to assist ourselves in this journey we’ll need to look back on topic number two which says that “nothing’s written on stone” and accept that as well as our perceptions aren’t an universal truth, everyone else’s also aren’t. Okay? 

Well, I hope it was worth a read because it was without a doubt worth writing for me 🙂

I’ll see you next Sunday, take care! 

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