QUIZ: What’s Your Best Personality Trait?

Have you ever wondered what people notice the most about you? Maybe you’re looking for something to put on a resume. Knowing what your best traits are can make a huge difference when you’re dating, applying for jobs, or making new friends. By learning what stands out about us we can hone our personalities and put our best feet forward in every situation. Take this quiz to figure out what your best personality trait is, and start impressing people today!

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    1. a Creative, ME TOO.
      Are you an artist? A writer? A painter? You should be! You have a unique outlook that provides a special point of view. If you don’t already, be sure to share your ideas and opinions with everyone else. Your creativity brightens their days and opens their minds to new concepts. It’s a rare gift that few possess… Use your creative powers wisely!

  1. I’m an artist, teacher, professional musician and writer so yes that’s who I am.
    I get to make a living doing something I’d do for free.

    Best time ever!?

    1. a Creative
      Are you an artist? A writer? A painter? You should be! You have a unique outlook that provides a special point of view. If you don’t already, be sure to share your ideas and opinions with everyone else. Your creativity brightens their days and opens their minds to new concepts. It’s a rare gift that few possess… Use your creative powers wisely!

  2. an Intellectual
    Move over Einstein! You’re the new big brain around here. People are constantly impressed by your knowledge, and your willingness to share that knowledge. While you’re never condescending your smarts can tick some less intelligent people off. Pay no attention to them though, because you’re going to do amazing things!

    Of course! I’ve been reading and thinking since … forever. My idea of heaven is a new library of books to read.

  3. “Dedicated.
    Whether you’re embarking on a new relationship, starting a new career, or launching a new self-improvement campaign, you’re dedicated every step of the way. Your stalwart nature might sometimes come across as too intense, but you know the only way to get results is to throw yourself in 100%. Your dedication will get you far in life, and will open many doors. Congratulations in advance!”

    I’d say it is quite coherent with reality- was fun completing the quiz

  4. Didn’t even load past question 1, continue button never worked. And it’s not my connection bc I just took a diff quiz from this same site 💀

  5. a Creative..??

    Well —
    I love everything that involves with arts & music. I can draw & play an instruments. I love writing secret journals with reality experiences. I love sharing my thoughts, ideas & opinions only at writing – my experience, emotions, feelings etc., I might be an open person esp, when it comes to opinions & experiences, but, secretive & private at personal. I believe in action rather than words & think before act.

  6. What kind of bad news are you getting that you react this way? When I hear bad news I think death, injury, end of a relationship kind of thing. I really honestly cannot think of anything else I’d qualify as bad news so I literally can’t get past the first question.

  7. Hmm, I’m deciated? Not sure what this whole thing means. I know there is no right or wrong but … is it good or bad…? Don’t any other way to describe it.

  8. My result was An Optimist. I’m either INTJ or INTP and I am phlegmatic and melancholic with no particular temperament holding dominance. I’m a complete mix of both tbh. As for being optimistic, it depends on who’s asking. I’m either considered extremely pessimistic or abnormally optimistic, people don’t really consider the fact that I may be in-between and instead I am often judged on the off conversations I hold with them. Then again, I haven’t stayed open in one social space for too long, as it tends to get dusty and demeaning. Like ripened fruit, except it turns rotten quickly whenever I happen to show up. Idk if it’s my timing or what, but I’m sure with all my past experiences in watching or starting with relationships that turn sour, I’ll be able to hold some decent relationships for a very long time if I find the right people. It’s all about never giving up. Whether I’m pessimistic or optimistic as I do so is up to the audience. I don’t care what I am as long as I get to the other side of the finish line, even if I gotta run like a flailing pigeon. 👌👌👌😄

  9. Idk I’m confused I’m not creative at all. Not a painter don’t draw and most definitely not a writer. In fact I actually cringed when I read creative. Am I the only weird one here?

  10. Mine says Dedicated.
    Whether you’re embarking on a new relationship, starting a new career, or launching a new self-improvement campaign, you’re dedicated every step of the way. Your stalwart nature might sometimes come across as too intense, but you know the only way to get results is to throw yourself in 100%. Your dedication will get you far in life, and will open many doors. Congratulations in advance!