11 Signs that Suggest You’re Actually an Ambivert

Have you ever struggled to find out whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert? Do you constantly feel like it’s up to the context and situation whether you feel like one or the other? Those are good signs you are an ambivert, and we have found more that might indicate you’re neither introvert nor extrovert, but somewhere in between. These are 11 signs you are an ambivert.

  1. In general you’re quite happy to meet new people, but preferably in a space where you already have a few familiar faces.
  2. When people address you during conversations, or one of your interests comes up, you’re happy to join in, but you also don’t mind being in the background listening to others’ stories.
  3. You like spending days with your friends, but it can be a little exhausting sometimes when the days are particularly long.

The difference here is that introverts would enjoy it but find it exhausting more quickly, and that extroverts tend to gain more energy from those days instead of feeling exhausted.

  1. Being assertive and clear about what you want is difficult for you, but when you put your mind to it you can do it.
  2. You can be the life of the party for a certain amount of time, and really enjoy yourself, when you reach a point your energy drops and you kind of really want to go home…

  3. … and from then on you find yourself quietly observing what’s happening around you.
  4. Both the “things that show that you’re probably an introvert” articles as well as the “things that show that you’re probably an extrovert” are relatable to you.
  5. You need days to just be on your own a bit, but too much time spent alone can leave you craving social contact and feeling a bit down.
  6. You tend to balance out your company in ‘energy’. If they’re a bit quiet, you tend to be more talkative; if they’re a bit chatty, you’ll be a bit more quiet.
  7. While you might not be the most extrovert person in the room, you do notice social queues some others tend to miss.
  8. In certain situations you like the attention, but generally you won’t want to be in the spotlight.

So these are 11 tell tale signs you are an ambivert. Which of these do you recognise most? And do you think you are an introvert, extrovert or after reading this article about signs you are an ambivert. Let us know in the comments!

By Kayleigh H. 

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  1. For a good 50+ years, I have called myself an extroverted introvert. I answered yes to all questions except #9 and that may be influenced by years helping man a volunteer based crisis line … Or just 62 years patience as well as just being too worn out to jump to conclusions. Love you all!

  2. I may relate to all of them, but the signs I feel more relatable to are signs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11. I’ve honestly thought myself to be an introvert because of the way I acted and all, but when I read articles about signs showing one is an extrovert, I felt like I recognized them as well. Then I read this article, and I could safely say I’m an ambivert, but more on the introverted side.

  3. I guess it happened to me that that article above fits me quite well. I think I am an ambivert. Like, I love to be alone but not for the long-term and I do love to be with people but not too long for it will be such an exhausting period. Hahaha. I have both qualities in extrovert and introvert in me and that actually boost my ability to ‘fit’ in every context.

    Another proof that I am ambivert is that I ‘admire’ both of my extrovert and into friends. I love the way extrovert acts and able to endure those long hours socializing and the way introvert loves to be in their unique-own-space without being worried about what people think. I think both of them have luxurious characters and I love it.

    The way I admire and realize that I can be fully one of them wakes me up and lets me know my true type is neither of those two.

    I am Ambivert <3