Category: Family
The 7 Signs That Someone Is Really Toxic To Be Around
Münchausen syndrome by proxy – Gypsy Rose Case Study
DISCLAIMER/TRIGGER WARNING: This article may contain triggering content related to child abuse and violent death. It is also not intended to be medical advice and…
Things Your Toxic Parents Taught You
Whether your parents carry their own childhood wounds, have a mental illness diagnosis, or simply don’t know any better, any toxic behaviors done around you…
Daddy Issues: Psychology Behind Father Wound
From Lana Del Rey’s emotional ballads to Humbert Humbert’s disturbing obsession in “Lolita,” having troubled relationships with fathers is a common theme in popular culture.…
How You’re Raised Affects Your Life Later On
“The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.” This African proverb beautifully describes how someone who gets hurt remembers the pain while the person who does…
5 Main Reasons People Manipulate
Experts agree that we all manipulate at times. Sometimes we do it for the good of the people or situation, and sometimes we do it…
5 Ways Narcissistic Abuse Changes You
Have you ever been around a narcissist? If you have, you know being around one can make you feel like your soul is being sucked…
4 Ways Jennette McCurdy and Her Mom’s Relationship Was Unhealthy
TRIGGER WARNING: Our video and Jennette McCurdy’s book, I’m Glad My Mom Died, discuss topics such as eating disorders, sexual assault, sexual harassment, abuse, and…
5 Ways to Care For Your Inner Child
Have you heard of the concept of the “inner child”? The inner child is a concept created by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, who described…
5 Reasons Why Parents Abuse Their Children
TRIGGER WARNING! This article describes parental characteristics that contribute to child abuse. It is NOT intended to justify abuse in any means! Its purpose is…
6 Signs You Grew Up With Strict Parents (Side Effects)
Do you believe a good parent is a strict parent? And how strict is strict enough? There are 2 types of strict parents. The ones…
5 Ways How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Personality
Have you ever stopped to think about how your past may have affected your present? Or thought about how your personality may be impacted by…
Worried Someone Dislikes You? Look for These 6 Signs.
Do you feel like you are on murky grounds with that one person? Like you are not sure if they like you sometimes or hate…
5 Signs You’re Gaslighting Someone, Even If You Don’t Mean To
Did you know that the term ‘Gaslighting’ originated from a play in 1938? It was about a husband who manipulated his wife by playing with…
5 Signs Someone Is TOXIC, Not You
Beware toxic! Have you ever seen this sign placed somewhere? Yeah, usually it’s near electricity or a chemical area; however, you might be closer to…
2 Major Signs Your Anxiety is Ruining Your Relationship
You are aware that every time you have to go to your parent’s house you get a sudden stomach ache and an anxiety attack. You…
8 Signs You’re Not Attractive…You’re RIDICULOUSLY Attractive
Hey, Psych2Goers! Do you ever wonder if you’re attractive or not? If you just said “pfft.. no.” Hooold up. This article is for you! There…
5 Signs you look more CHARMING than you think
Have you ever been under the weather and then when you see that person you immediately feel better, smiling as they approach? Such people…
Why You Care So Much (And How To Let Go)
“Who cares?” Some may ask. But not you, right Psych2Goers? If anything, you might find yourself caring a little too much. Whether it’s about caring…