Category: Friends
This category is for our friends doing amazing things we’ve interviewed. Managed by Minel R.
The 7 Signs That Someone Is Really Toxic To Be Around
Harsh Truth: Most Of Your Friends Aren’t Really Your Friends
Picture this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, and the numbers of friends and followers keep soaring higher. Maybe you posted a TikTok vid…
Types of Friends You Should Surround Yourself With
Are you happy with the friends you have in your life right now? Do you think you’re surrounding yourself with the right kind of people?…
6 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friend Group
When it comes to the people we love, like our friends and family, most of us are willing to be more forgiving and understanding with…
5 Main Reasons People Manipulate
Experts agree that we all manipulate at times. Sometimes we do it for the good of the people or situation, and sometimes we do it…
6 Convincing Ways to Make People Like You
So, you’re in a new social environment. It might be your first day at a new school, new job, or maybe you’re trying to make…
7 Signs Someone Dislikes You (Even If You Don’t Think So)
On this channel, we’ve talked a lot about the subtle signs that can help us tell if someone likes us or is romantically interested in…
5 Ways Narcissistic Abuse Changes You
Have you ever been around a narcissist? If you have, you know being around one can make you feel like your soul is being sucked…
6 Unknown Childhood Trauma Triggers
This is a disclaimer that this article is for informative purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please reach out…
7 Gaslighting Things Abusers Do To Control You
Abuse is extremely complicated. With so many types of abuse and how abusers can be subtle in their tactics, it may be difficult to identify…
6 Tips and Tricks To Get Instant Respect
Hey, Psych2Goers! Do you often feel disrespected by those around you? Are you constantly irritated, because it seems like nobody ever bothers to give you…
6 Small But Harmful Things That Destroy Your Mental Health
Hey, Psych2Goers! What comes to your mind when you think of things affecting your mental health? Do you think of childhood trauma? Do you think…
How To Not Be Boring (AND Impress Your Crush)
Hey, Psych2Goers! We all know the classic story. You meet someone you like and tell a few little white lies here and there to spice…
Worried Someone Dislikes You? Look for These 6 Signs.
Do you feel like you are on murky grounds with that one person? Like you are not sure if they like you sometimes or hate…
8 Ultimate Signs Your Crush Likes You Back
Do you remember what it feels like when you have a crush? Those butterflies in the stomach that make you giddy and nervous at the…
5 Signs You’re Gaslighting Someone, Even If You Don’t Mean To
Did you know that the term ‘Gaslighting’ originated from a play in 1938? It was about a husband who manipulated his wife by playing with…
5 Signs Someone Is TOXIC, Not You
Beware toxic! Have you ever seen this sign placed somewhere? Yeah, usually it’s near electricity or a chemical area; however, you might be closer to…
2 Major Signs Your Anxiety is Ruining Your Relationship
You are aware that every time you have to go to your parent’s house you get a sudden stomach ache and an anxiety attack. You…
7 “Comforting” Words That Are Actually Hurtful
Have you ever had someone open up to you? Did you comfort them by saying something? We are all taught to say nice things to people.…