Depression: These Dark Truth Quotes About Depression Are The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

When depression hits hard, sometimes we don’t know how to put into words. So, I have made a list of 11 quotes that spoke out to me when I was extremely depressed. Why share these quotes? Well, honestly it can help you tell a loved one how you feel, or even allow you to understand better your feelings and mood.


  1. depression“I didn’t want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that’s really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you’re so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” Ned Vizzini
  2. “Depression isn’t always crying your mascara off in the shower and playing sad songs in bed. Sometimes it’s not wanting to talk to anyone for days and other times it’s desperately needing to be around people. Sometimes depression is having no appetite even though you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday and sometimes it’s eating everything you have in fridge. Depression isn’t your boyfriend holding you and telling you that it’s going to be okay. It’s sitting across the table, not eating, having him ask you what’s wrong and knowing that you’re ruining his night because you can’t seem to snap out of it and just be happy. It’s the frustrating feeling of desperately wanting to enjoy something and just f*cking be normal for once. It’s keeping things a secret from the people you love because you don’t want them to look at you like you’re broken. No, depression isn’t beautiful black and white images. Depression is lonely and frustrating and mostly just f*cking exhausting.” ~Unknown
  3. “I don’t think people realize how hard it is to re-discover the person you were before depression or even try to remember your own personality.” ~Crystalmethalicious
  4. “Depression isn’t always that girl that’s crying in the bathroom or the boy that is always wearing long sleeves. It isn’t always suicide notes and pill bottles. Sometimes, it’s all smiles and good grades. Sometimes it’s the boy that is always helpful and the girl that you always borrow things from. Depression isn’t always that easy to notice.” ~K.B.G
  5. “Depression is such a cruel punishment. There are no fevers, no rashes, no blood tests to send people scurrying in concern, just the slow erosion of self, as insidious as cancer, it is essentially a solitary experience; a room in hell with only your name on the door.” ~Martha
  6. depression“Everything seems to be exhausting me, not matter how much sleep or how much coffee I drink or how long I lie down, something inside me seems to have given up. My soul is tired.” ~Unknown
  7. “Depression is war. A battle against yourself. Every thought is a bullet. Every movement a punch. Every word a stab in the heart. Depression is a thief. It steals everything you once had. Everything left behind is the things that keep you trapped. Depression is a murderer. It killed the girl I used to be. I look in the mirror and I see thing. Depression is a zombie. You alive but your dead. You are unaware of what’s happening. Depression is a nightmare. You wake up into a hell. You’re afraid of living. Everything seems impossible to bear. Depression is an ocean. A sea of emotions. Your drowning every day. However, your never saved. Depression is a bottomless pit. Never ending pain. Never ending struggles. There is no light. There is no escape. Depression is war. A constant battle within yourself I think I might surrender for I had enough. Depression is war. You either win. Or you due trying. And I’ afraid to say in losing. ~K.N.
  8. “The problem with depression is: you know you’ll be ok, but you still feel awful You know people love you, but it doesn’t feel like they do. You know doing something will make you feel better, but you just don’t know how to. You want to be well, but you just can’t seem to get there.” ~Unknown
  9. “Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the word is.” ~Atticus
  10. “It all starts with not wanting to get out of bed, that’s how you know you’re getting bad again.” ~Perrfectly
  11. “Depression is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die.” ~Unknown

From the bottom of my heart I hope these quotes can help you feel less alone. When I was down and out reading quotes about depression from other people allowed me to understand myself and show close friends what was going on with me. If you’d like can read Depression & Beating it and The Difficulties of Expressing Emotions to improve your life with depression.

Art in #1 and #4 by Akira L, from Akira’s Art World.

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  1. I’m so sorry for everyone who relates. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this and I’m so proud of you for surviving. You’re awesome, so please, stay strong and be kind to yourself. <3

  2. The association between “genius” (especially artistic) and the disturbance of being, has led us to romantize pathologies as serious as depression. Phrases like some of these are the perfect example. Although the words used in them mean one thing, we decided to give them a purely poetic sense … as we have no idea what it means to be “plunged into the depths of one’s misery”

    A few years ago I read Andrew Solomon’s wonderful book, “The Noonday Demon,” which has such a human, so real and vivid approach to this condition that it will be impossible to mistake it for a passing sadness. It is a rollercoaster journey in search of recovering oneself, to uproot the demon of depression.

    If someone is in this situation or knows someone who might be, I highly recommend reading this book (in addition to receiving appropriate help, of course).

    Thank you very much for this article and for your wonderful work.

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  4. I always say depression is an ocean somedays the waves are 10 feet high and you have to evacuate the area somedays there are big waves but you can stay near the ocean sometimes there are waves perfect for surfing and sometimes there’s no waves at all. Sometimes the ocean is a cruel and nasty place that kills people and sometimes the ocean is a place that people can survive it’s still hard to survive in the ocean you need a boat because you get tired swimming all day but it is a manageable place to stay, other days it feels like you are caught in a hurricane fighting to survive