Depression’s Aftermath: Finding Your Passion


When you have depression as a child and continue to battle with it into adulthood. There is a huge chunk of you that is missing. Translating into not knowing who you are and what you want out of life. You may have an idea, but it isn’t enough. Growing up with depression transforms you into an unrecognizable person. Realizing there were many opportunities you missed and numerous fun activities you would have loved to participate in. You had friendships that were severed because of your years in isolation. There are places that no longer exists, that you could have gone to in only you had the energy.

depression Once you come out of the grips of depression. Life seems weird, hostile, confusing, and threatening. You don’t know how to move forward, and a portion of your mind is trying to convince you to run back to your old self. Please, don’t listen to your inner demons. Hold onto hope, to that side of you that is longing for life. If you are angry use it to propel towards your goals and dreams. Take aggressive steps each day and don’t look back. Your past will not longer serve you and the future isn’t here yet. You only have the present moment, so cherish it. Don’t think of yourself as a victim. Believe you are a survivor.

Every time a negative thought pops up in your mind. Beat it by thinking three positive ones. Think of yourself as the magician of your life. Creating a masterpiece you would love to live in. Become the person who the 5 years old you would have been proud of. Start by picking up new hobbies you’ve always wanted to try. Look up colleges or universities that can prepare you for your dream career. Join a club or take classes that will allow you to meet new people. Surround yourself with friends and family who can pick you up on the tough days.

depressionTaking life head on isn’t easy. Especially if you don’t have the knowledge, tools, and resources. There will be moments of self-doubt. You will question yourself constantly. But don’t worry that is normal. Your brain is designed to protect you. Since you have lived in anguish. It is all your brain knows. Once you start facing your fears. I can promise you, self-doubt will no longer control your decisions.

Join me and the million other people fighting to build a life worth living. You are not alone. Look for inspiration in others. Ask for help and guidance when needed. If you are stuck, that okay too. Search for ways to reinvent yourself. Look for solutions and if there isn’t any then make it up as you go. There isn’t a magical formula for living a happy, fulfilling life. Every single one of us will heal in different ways. I dare you to live, not just survive. Believe in your value. Give yourself love because your existence matters.

Related:  Dear, Suicidal Person / Depressed – Take Back Control

Checkout Psych2Go’s book about Mental Health Recovery

depressionCheck it out here: Mental Illness Recovery Book, “Something I truly enjoyed about this book is the simplicity and the variety of stories which are all focusing in one subject; mental illness. It’s amazing to see how this book connects each story to one another and to the reader. It provides a direct insight of living with mental illness and tips on how to overcome some disorders. If you feel lost, or if you want to help a friend or family member then this is the book for you.” -Carelyn

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  1. Very informatice. A subject I struggle with on a daily basis.
    However, ‘aftermath’ is one word. Now it’s as if someone’s depressed after doing mathematics..