Diary of an Introvert with Cabin Fever: 3/29/2017

Today was neither good nor bad. It just was.

The marvelous day I had yesterday spoiled me a little. Having to go to all of my classes from 8a.m. to 5:30p.m. made me exhausted just thinking about it.

Thinking about my day tomorrow made me even more exhausted. I’ll have another full day of classes and rehearsal for my duet piece with my partner late. I hate having to be out late. I just like to get home, especially on Thursdays. Thursdays are the nights where I watch Critical Role on Twitch and play a drinking game. I can afford to do this because I don’t usually have classes or obligations on Fridays so I can sleep in and recover from a hangover.

I had a three hour break between classes to go home and eat lunch. I was going to be productive and write. Instead, I watched Youtube and played Overwatch. When am I gonna start meeting my own expectations? Or when am I gonna stop making expectations I can’t fulfill?

My last two classes were the better part of the day. We watched a movie in one class, complete with popcorn.

In the other class, we all worked on group pieces for our end of semester cabaret. We basically learned two entire songs in a class that was only an hour and 15 minutes. We even got up and started dancing while singing. I was doing some particularly bad dancing. Our teacher was so impressed, he asked if we could handle a third piece, which we absolutely could.

The best way to end any day, good or bad, is with good food. I had Ritz Cracker Ranch Chicken with Garlic Bread.

When my parents filed for divorce about three years ago, I pretty much stopped singing outside of voice lessons and classes. I went so long without singing in the shower, let alone anywhere else. About a year ago, I started singing for fun again. I don’t know why I stopped. It would’ve made everything so much easier.

Music is a gift that we must all cherish. Who better to do that than an introvert?



Edited by Viveca Shearin




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