5 Reasons Why Introverts Enjoy Being Alone

The world gets to be too much at times that it’s hard to keep up with. If we’re not careful enough, we become defined by deadlines, hours we’re stuck in traffic, and rushing to places to run errands. It’s hectic, loud, and dizzying, especially for introverts. We encourage you to escape, unwind, and breathe. Psych2Go shares with you 5 reasons why introverts enjoy being alone:

1. They require low key nights at home to recharge.

Introverts don’t just enjoy being alone; they require it. According to Dr. Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage, the biological component that differentiates introverts from extroverts is their sensitivity to dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in your brain that regulates your pleasure and excitement. Extroverts are stimulated by higher levels of dopamine. Hence, this is why they enjoy sensation-seeking and risk-taking.

Introverts, on the other hand, do not require the same levels of excitement. In fact, they find them more overwhelming than enjoyable, so they seek out plenty of quiet time in order to recharge after a long day. This is why introverts should never feel guilty about turning down party invitations if they need to curl up in bed with a good book or movie.

2. They enjoy reflecting and emptying their thoughts.

Introverts may not express much in person, especially if they have to sit in a room full of people every day at school, or work in an extraverted environment. As a result, many thoughts may run through their head throughout the day. When introverts, especially anxious ones, finally have time to unwind at the end of the day, they typically enjoy reflecting on their daily events, whether it means blogging, journaling, or expressing their thoughts in another creative form. Introverts often have a habit of internalizing their problems, so they need a way to release them in a healthy natural fashion. This is why their alone time is crucial because it allows them to unload, process, and problem-solve effectively.

3. They can indulge in silence or good music without having to worry about making small talk.

Depth in conversations is important to introverts. But more often than not, small talk can get in the way of that and it takes away from their desire to participate. Moreover, there is also usually a social pressure for people to fill in the gaps, even when they don’t know what to say. Introverts, however, are comfortable with silence and don’t feel an urge to make unnecessary comments if they don’t bring stimulation or meaning to the conversation. This is why having their alone time is important to them. They can enjoy the silence of nature or listen to good music without being near superficial chit chat.

4. Getting away from others gives them the freedom to be who they are without feeling the pressure to change.

Living in a predominantly extraverted world can be exhausting for an introvert. Sometimes, it’s nice just to shut down for a while, retreat, and do what they love without being judged by others. Introverts value their space and freedom because it’s equivalent to air and movement. When things start to feel too congested and overly stimulating, especially for those who live in big, busy cities, solitude prevents them from feeling burnt out. It even makes them feel less lonely, rather than feeling left out and misunderstood by extroverted individuals who can’t identify with their needs.

5. Having alone time is essential for their mental health.

When introverts don’t get enough alone time, it starts to take a toll on their mental health. Symptoms include: trouble sleeping or eating, frequent colds, headaches, back pains, or allergies, irritability, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, feeling trapped and finding life meaningless, exhaustion, and feeling disconnected from your usual self. It’s best to keep these signs in mind and frequently check in with yourself when you aren’t feeling at your best. Although it’s easy to get swept away in everyday responsibilities that require us to constantly put on smiles and performances, health should never be put on the back burner. Always make time to prioritize your wellbeing. The world can wait.


What do you think?

Are you an introvert who enjoys your alone time? Do you agree with these reasons? Psych2Go would love to hear your thoughts! Please be sure to leave a comment down below!


Want to say hello or send a personal message? You can reach the author at catherine@psych2go.net. ♥


If you enjoyed this article, then you may also like 7 Ways to Incorporate More Solitude Into Your Schedule or 6 Ways to Survive Parties as an Introvert.


Looking for more reading supplies? Please check out our e-book: An Introvert’s Survival Guide! Get your copy today!


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Borresen, K. (2017, February 23). 10 Things Anyone Who Loves an Introvert Needs to Know. HuffPost. Retrieved May 2, 2018.

Granneman, J. (2016, August 13). This Is the Scientific Explanation for Why Introverts Like Being Alone. Introvert, Dear. Retrieved May 2, 2018.

Haigh, C. (2018). 5 Things You Should Know About Introverts. Lifehack. Retrieved May 2, 2018.

Mueller, K. (2017, March 22). My Need for Alone Time Is Not a Reflection on You. Introvert, Dear. Retrieved May 2, 2018.

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  1. I do feel a pressure to change around people, the natural urge to fit in. Becomes more, I like the process of fitting in and developing a baseline communication with others. My thoughts, when left alone for a long time become too, convoluted. It helps sharing and adjusting my ideas, to be better understood by the world at large.

  2. Right on the mark! It’s so hard to explain why you need, not just want, alone time to someone that doesn’t feel the same. This is an excellent article to explain it. Thanks psych2go!

  3. I am an introvert & I totally agree with you my alone time is as necessary to me as breathing as I get older I require more of that time!

  4. This article describes me 120% and I honestly could not agree more with all of these facts. Im typing this as the rain pours behind me, while im sitting in my garage listening to music. Im currently working on my assertiveness… Lol

  5. Good article. The only thing I disagree with this feeling the urge to change around people. I don’t care LOL. That’s all part of living. I do service work and I get paid for being open and taking care of customers. When I punch that clock at 5:30 in the afternoon, then I go into introvert mode. That is my time and I’m very guarded about it.

  6. Sometimes, especially when I scroll through social media, I just see other people of my age posting tons of pictures from the last “wicked” party they went to, always surrounded by countless “friends”, and I am left thinking that I am just losing my time by not doing the same stuff they do, even if I don’t want to do those things. I just feel like I am losing those opportunities and fail to complete the “social to-do list” that all the “cool” people should do.

  7. You nailed “me” correctly. Try and explain those needs to an extrovert spouse though. Thanks for this article 🙂

  8. I have learn over the years at 48 that I need my alone time
    Now that I am getting older I don’t worry about what people think when I decline going to parties bars games ECT
    I get call anti social all the time and I don’t care
    I feel good and I am happy
    I don’t like shows or sports parties with big crowed
    I rather watch sports in front of my tv even if I get the tickets for free
    When I was younger I was getting a lot of pressure to go out
    Best suggestion I ever got in my 30ees was if u don’t feel like doing something then don’t do it don’t let anyone force u into it u will be miserable

    Great work it totally describes me

  9. Bang on! This helps me articulate how I feel but I also wonder if it’s common that Introverts enjoy the company of other Introverts on some level too?