6 Things That Make Depression Worse

Depression is a mental condition that shouldn’t be ignored.
You probably already know what it’s about and how to help it in a way.
But did you know what factors can worsen it, like how noise pollution and water or sugar are possible contributors to depression?
Read more to find out six factors that worsen depression and how to help them.
FRIENDLY DISCLAIMER: This is a disclaimer that this article/video is for informative purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please reach out to a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional if you are struggling.
1. Excessive sugar consumption.

When you feel down, do you immediately reach for your comfort food?
Food like ice cream, pasta, donuts, and the like?
It is common knowledge that sugar is bad for your health, but did you know that it is also linked with mental problems such as depression?
Foods made with a high amount of sugar or refined carbohydrates increase the probability of mood disorders, especially depression.
So, does that mean you have to cut out sugar for the rest of your life?
Let’s all be happy because the answer is: no!
Sugar is also present in complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and fish which researchers in London have discovered lowers the risk for depression in middle age.
So if you’re looking for a more balanced diet with less simple sugar consumption, you can always try incorporating more fruits and better recipes into your plate.
There are never-ending sources for healthy dessert recipes and products out there, so don’t be sad, because your sugar-loving tendencies can always be satiated!
Good luck, sweet tooths!
2. Loud, incessant noises.

Do you get agitated whenever you’re in a crowded place?
Do sudden noises startle you, making your ears feel extra sensitive?
It’s a thing called noise pollution, and numerous studies have linked it to increased levels of anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke (Sheikh, 2018).
It may feel infuriating at times. For example, you’re sleeping and suddenly jolt awake because of a frighteningly loud noise like an airplane flying overhead.
This can spike your paranoia and make you feel like you’re in danger even though you’re not.
It may even take you a while to calm down your fear.
Earplugs are good methods for minimizing loud noises around you.
You can also plan your schedule around when it is quiet. For example, you can do your school or work activities at night, where there is less distraction or sources of noise.
And, if everything else fails, it might be time to start looking for other residential areas more suitable for your wellness.
3. Lack of water.

How many glasses of water do you drink in a day?
According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the adequate daily fluid intake for women is 2.7 liters and 3.7 liters for men.
This is because dehydration can contribute to depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
An easy way to increase your fluid intake is by drinking a glass of water every bathroom break.
You can also keep a jug of water beside you when you’re working and download a water-drinking app that will remind you every few hours.
Water check! This is your reminder to drink a glass of water right now.
Remember to stay hydrated!
4. Avoiding problems.
Are you currently dodging a financial, relationship, or personal issue?
You may avoid these matters, thinking that they will get resolved over time.
But what you might not notice is that because of your evasion tendencies, you’re creating more problems for you in the long run.
This is called avoidance coping, and people, especially those who are prone to anxiety, make this a habit as they age.
If you realize that you’re regularly acting like this, the first step is to be self-aware.
Acknowledge that you do have this habit so that next time, you can focus on channeling to better, healthier coping mechanisms.
Try asking yourself questions like:
Why am I avoiding this problem?
Did I procrastinate?
Did I not manage my finances well?
Did I say something to make them angry?
By doing so, you’re learning more of yourself along the way and what you should work on to fix those problems.
Accept, don’t avoid. You can do it.
5. Staying inactive.

People with depression have been shown to move less.
They might stay in bed for long periods and choose to isolate themselves rather than go outside.
If you find yourself facing the same state of inactivity, please don’t think that you are lazy.
You are facing a mental condition that can interfere with other aspects of your life if not handled well.
It may seem like nothing will help your situation, but moving around is very important.
Even if you don’t feel like it, try making a list of activities to do and stick to it – do the laundry, clean your closet, wipe your windows.
You can even invite some friends over or go to parties!
Socializing may feel like it’s the last thing you want to do, but it can provide you with the support you need.
You don’t have to talk to anyone if you’re not ready, but your friends will always be there.
Moving and sticking to your schedules gives you a feeling of control over your life until it becomes a process of healing.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
6. Toxic peers.
Are you surrounded by people who insult you but hide it as a teasing remark?
Do they perhaps talk to you a lot but never give you the chance to open up back?
This study found that the overall quality of social relationships is a strong risk factor for major depression (dearmedia.com, n.d.).
If your friends are toxic, your mental health deteriorates.
You might brush it off because you’re friends, but if this type of behavior continues even after you’ve confronted them about it, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship.
In easier words, they have to go.
It’s good to ask yourself questions like What feelings do I get when I’m with them? or Am I growing as a person? to get a clearer idea of how this relationship is affecting you.
Humans make mistakes. That’s probably why you endure or forgive someone after they’ve done something wrong.
But if they don’t help you love yourself, you will have a difficult time doing so.
That is why your mental health is a top priority.
Don’t turn down a chance to take care of yourself.
And if that means cutting off some relationships? Let it be.
There are countless people out there waiting to be your friend, so take the chance to heal and rebuild better connections.
Do you know other factors that could worsen depression?
Please share them in the comment section below.
Your experiences make other people feel heard, especially if they’re in the same situation.
Depression isn’t a condition that’s best faced alone.
Remember that we at Psych2Go, your friends, and your loved ones are always there to support you if you’re going through something.
Thank you for reading. See you next time.
Water check! Don’t forget to drink your water.