5 Ways to Deal with an Inferiority Complex
Having flaws isn’t actually bad. But it’s the insecurity we attach to them that makes us think they are. As humans, we’re bound to mess up, but we often forget that through our bad experiences, there’s always room for growth. Our team wants to remind you of your capabilities. Psych2Go shares with you 5 ways to deal with an inferiority complex:
1. Realize that having everything doesn’t mean your problems will go away.
Getting rid of your acne or being in a relationship won’t mean that you’ll be free from all your troubles. Telling yourself, “I’ll be happy when xyz happens” will only set you up with the idea that happiness is a destination. In reality, fulfillment is something that can exist in the moments you make now if you know where to locate it. You may struggle with various components in your life, such as body image, your relationship status, or finances, but when you consider them to be everything, it’s easy to lose yourself. Rather than adapting the “all-or-nothing” mindset, see these components as pieces of your life instead of who you are.
2. Let go of perfectionism.
Having perfectionistic tendencies can cause you to spiral down to depression when you feel as though you’re not living up to your ideals or expectations. Learn to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture. When you obsess over being perfect, you only pay attention to details that may not matter 10 years down the road. Train your mind to be more flexible and laugh at yourself every once in a while. Things don’t have to be so serious all the time. Resilience is key.
3. Don’t compare yourself to other people; instead, compare your actions to your dreams.
It’s a common trap to think that the people you look up to have it all figured out, but even the most successful individuals have insecurities, too. It’s impossible to be like everyone, so you shouldn’t try to be. If you spend all your time worrying about who you aren’t or obsess over other people’s talents that you don’t have, then you miss out on focusing your time and energy on what matters: yourself. Actively work on making your dreams come true. Your actions will take you far, so spend time building the skills you need in order to reach your goals. This will help you establish the life you want and the person you’re meant to become.
4. Have a friend or close loved one list your best qualities.
Sometimes, it’s easier for someone else to see our best traits, especially when inferior thoughts can distort the way we perceive ourselves. Let one of your friends or family members know that you aren’t fishing for compliments. Instead, be honest about your insecurities and tell them that you need a boost of confidence. It may seem daunting to admit this out in the open, but there’s a reason why you’re close to them. Don’t shut yourself away more than you already have and let people see that you’re hurting. We all need reminding at times when the going gets tough. You can do the same for them, too, when they go through the same motions. Ultimately, building each other up is an important act.
5. Focus on your victories.
We’re all winners here. You don’t have to win big all the time in order to say you accomplished something great. With an inferiority complex, your negative thoughts drag you down on a daily basis. As a result, you may forget to see the progress you’ve made. You’ve come a long way already. Even if you still have a lot of running to do to get where you want to be, that doesn’t mean you’re not doing something good now worth celebrating. Whether you caught up with an old friend who needed some support, cooked a healthy meal, or managed to survive a bad day at work, these are all moments worth remembering and praising. The truth is you’re doing better than you give yourself credit for.
We all feel inferior at times. What helps you combat those negative thoughts? Psych2Go would love to hear what you have to say! Please be sure to leave a comment down below!
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- (2018). 9 Signs Of An Inferiority Complex and 9 Tips to Overcome It. Free From Social Anxiety. Retrieved February 1, 2018, from freefromsocialanxiety.com
Koenig, S. (2016, March 9). 8 Strategies to Help You Let Go of Your Inferiority Complex. Pick the Brain. Retrieved February 1, 2018.
Hi Catherine,
Great article with many important points! I’m Barbara from freefomsocialanxiety.com and I want to thank you for the reference at the bottom of the post. Is there a chance you could put an active link instead of the name of the website? It can be a nofollow link, or at least an inactive text saying freefromsocialanxiety.com if you don’t want to put a normal link for some reason (a do follow link would be best of course). Thank you in any case!
As a side note, do you accept occasional guest posts, or are you only looking for regular writers? I might be interested in writing one for psych2go.net.
And as a second side note, your contact form on this page is broken:
Have a great day and keep up the good work!
Hi Barbara, thanks so much for reading! 🙂 Yep! I just included the link in the reference section. I hope that helps! Thanks so much as well for bringing attention to the broken contact form. I fixed it! If you go to it now or Careers under About Us, you can find all of our contact information and emails. But to answer your question, we do accept submissions from guests! That’s a question you can ask our editorial team Lyvonne and Viveca as well as our CEO and co-founder Tai. They can be reached at:
I recommend sending a group email about your request, a little bit about your own site, and perhaps I can also interview you and ask you questions about your related experiences and coping mechanisms for anxiety or in regards to dealing with an inferiority complex. Let me know what your thoughts are! I’d be happy to chat with you sometime! What is your email?
I can be reached at catherine@psych2go.net if you’d like to connect more. 🙂
I was pleased with your site when I came across your information as well! Thanks so much for your compliment and I hope you have a great day as well! ♥