8 Little Habits to Make You More Attractive
Be honest. How attractive do you think you are?
Without a doubt, you’re a catch.
But if you want that little teeny tiny boost to up your attractive game, then you’ve certainly come to the right place.
Or site.
Here are 8 little habits to make you more attractive.
Not that you need it, but here it goes!
FRIENDLY DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.
1. Eat at least one good meal every day.
Remember, we’re talking about little habits, not outrageous ones.
Sure, it’s nice to have a healthy diet overall. It promotes heart health, reduced cancer risk, and a better mood (Crichton-Stuart, 2020).
But let’s be honest.
Depriving yourself of that ice cream is not worth it.
Food restrictions and deprivations are shown to have psychological manifestations such as preoccupation with food and eating, increased emotional responsiveness, and distractibility.
That’s why it’s better to start with one hearty meal of carbs, veggies, and fruits every day to add a happy boost to your beautiful, attractive self!
2. Substitute your bad thoughts with affirming ones.
I’m getting fatter.
My wrinkles are showing a lot.
Why can’t I be more independent?
How many times do you comment on your appearance or personality every day?
Is it mostly good or bad remarks?
One large-scale study found that rumination and self-blame over negative events were linked to an increased risk of mental health problems (Scott, 2020).
You deserve so much in life and these unpleasant thoughts are not worth your time.
When you say something negative to yourself, why not try to shift it in a better, more self-appreciative direction? Such as:
I’m bigger than I was before. But that’s okay. It’s a normal part of life and I love my body for working hard.
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me.
It may feel weird at first. You may not feel better immediately, but you’re slowly giving yourself the appreciation it earned.
That’s a step forward. And it will help a lot over time.
Remember: You are everything you need to be.
And that is – gorgeous.
3. Know your simplest etiquette.
This means smiling, saying thank you, excuse me, and being polite.
These actions may seem small, but they really help a whole lot.
They are powerful enough to brighten a stranger’s dark day.
Researchers Sara Algoe of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her colleagues studying gratitude have found that being thankful and expressing it to others is good for our health and happiness (Suttie, 2019).
Not only does it feel good, it also helps us build trust and closer bonds with the people around us (Suttie, 2019).
So don’t be shy. A person will always appreciate your kindness.
“You must always remember this: Have courage, and be kind. You have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in their whole body. And it has power. More than you know.”
― Brittany Candau, Have Courage, Be Kind: The Tale of Cinderella
4. Take time to reflect.
When you know you’ve made a mistake, do you accept it and move on or find ways around it?
Life is full of lessons.
It is enamored with experiences and holds the value of the past.
From the moment you were born, you have created a ripple effect that influenced the lives around you and beyond.
That is why it is important to look back and contemplate.
Think about today.
Who have you helped?
Who have you hurt?
What will you do next?
These little self-reflections will guide you to become who you want to be.
It sounds complicated, but it’s really as simple as what you’re going to do in the next moment, or the next hour.
Be tolerant and open in admitting your mistakes. With that, you’re wiser and more mature every step forward.
5. Check up on your loved ones.
Even the simplest “Hey, how are you?” will do.
With life as fast-paced as it is now, people are often so enraptured with their own lives that they forget to stop for a moment and cherish the presence of those with them.
People appreciate being checked up on.
It shows them that you’re thinking of them, and care enough to leave a message or even go see them personally.
When was the last time you spent a moment with someone, gadget-free?
According to Griffith College, switching off technology can provide better sleep, less anxiety, and quality experiences.
So if your answer is “fairly recent”, then congratulations, you are surely more attractive!
6. Stand up for your own actions and words.
An attractive person is an assertive person.
Assertive communicators can express their own needs, desires, ideas, and feelings, while also considering the needs of others (Alvernia University, 2019).
The point is that confidence is sexy.
But too much of it probably makes you an egomaniac.
And that’s kinda straying off the attractive boat.
When you live up to your actions and deeds, people see you as trustworthy.
And trust is a major trait people seek in a partner.
So… attractiveness?
Big check.
7. Listen to understand.
“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply,”
– Stephen Covey
Which one are you?
Listening to reply is the standard way that most people communicate (White, n.d.).
We’re humans after all.
It’s only normal to exchange words, right?
Well, not so much.
When you’re listening to understand, you’re giving them your undivided attention.
Your eyes are focused, your body is leaning in, you’re smiling at the right moments.
It provides intimacy, which the other person will certainly find attractive.
This is because sometimes, people want to have meaningful conversations.
And you can’t achieve that by listening halfheartedly.
Becoming an active listener takes practice.
So here are some tips to remember:
- Listen.
- Don’t interrupt.
- Understand. Try not to judge.
- Respond.
+1 for attractiveness.
8. Be supportive.
In life, you are the main character.
No doubt about that. You’re a star.
But that also means you’re someone else’s supporting character, too.
When you’re with the people you love, you root for them with all your heart.
Being a part of someone’s social support system helps promote their good physical and mental health.
The ability to show your care for another person is truly attractive.
You are building a deep connection with them and involving them in your life.
If they don’t find that attractive, then who knows what will.
Just kidding.
Remember that you are already so attractive.
These are only little tips to make you even more irresistible.
Out of all the points listed above, which do you agree with the most?
Who is the most attractive person you know? Why?
Please don’t hesitate to share your stories in the comment section below. We appreciate hearing about your experiences.
Thank you so much for reading. Until next time!
- 5 Things People Do When They’re Attracted to You
- 7 Daily Habits of Highly Attractive People – Psych2Go
- 6 Reasons You Attract Narcissists Into Your Life
- 10 Signs Your Crush Thinks You’re Attractive
- Psychological Secrets of Attraction
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