5 Self Care Tips When You Feel Broken

Life has its inevitable downs and it puts us in a dark place where dejection lives. It’s hard to pick ourselves up because each time we hit rock bottom, we just want to play it a little safer, hoping that if we stay down, then we won’t have to fall so hard again. But, even pain grows stagnant and we find ourselves always wanting more. The heart can’t lie. That’s why it’s so important to give it what it wants, which is to heal it. Psych2Go shares with you 5 self-care tips when you feel broken:

1. Step outside for some fresh air.

Sometimes, our heads are louder than the ruckus of busy cities. Whether you’re still a student in school or constantly work in front of a computer, it’s easy to feel congested by deadlines, projects, and never-ending tasks. Make use of your mornings, lunch breaks, and evenings when you’re off the clock to step outside for walks. This will help clear your head and improve your mood. In Japan, going for walks in the woods is called shinrin-yoku, which means “taking in the atmosphere of the forest.”

In one study at Kyoto University, researchers discovered that the scent of fresh pine helps reduce one’s levels of anxiety and depression. Spending time outdoors also helps increase our ability to concentrate. We aren’t meant to experience life in stuffy bubbles. Even if you can’t step outside right away, crack open a window when you can and allow nature to heal you.

2. Take a nap.

When we don’t get enough sleep, our moods can take a turn for the worse and plummet down into a deep well. If you’re feeling cranky from exhaustion, it’s best to take some time, even if it’s just half an hour, to curl up on the couch and close your eyes. There’s no shame in closing the curtains and escaping from the world. Once you wake up and feel better rested, it’ll be easier to carry out your daily tasks and you’ll notice an improvement in your mental health.

3. Allow yourself to be ordinary.

Stop striving for perfection. Take a break from using all the Instagram filters and making posts on FaceBook that show your life only at its best. Social media is a place where we can share our favorite moments with others, but it has also become a platform where people feel pressured to compete with others. Sometimes, it feels more like a beauty pageant instead of a second home. You don’t owe anyone a performance. Your sense of self is worth more than a digitalized reputation. Embrace your flaws and allow yourself to be average. Sometimes, simple is better.

4. Clean and give your space a makeover.

Lately, this one has been my favorite self-care tip! Even if you’re prone to having a messy room like me, cleaning doesn’t have to be overly excessive to make a difference. Whether it means organizing your bookshelf or clipping your favorite photos to the wall, changes—big or small—can enhance the atmosphere. I enjoy playing with colors and collect little home accessories that have a touch of magic and childlike wonder to them. That way, every time I look up from working, I feel energized and comforted by the whimsical nature they possess. Your space is where you spend a lot of time in, so giving it much love and attention is important.

5. Reach out and tell someone about what you’ve been going through.

When we feel down, sometimes it’s a natural instinct to shut down. As this develops into a habit, it may be hard to tell someone how we feel. Consequently, we suffer silently when we actually want help from others. Don’t feel ashamed to reach out and let someone know about what you’re struggling with. You’ll feel better opening up and this will help strengthen your relationships with others.

Deep connections aren’t formed from the good days, but when you’re on the verge of falling apart and let someone in to be there for you. That’s something I still have to remind myself to this very day. It’s completely okay and healthy to cry in front of others.


What do you think?

What do you do to take care of yourself when you feel broken? Psych2Go would love to hear your thoughts! Please be sure to leave a comment down below!


Want to say hello or send a personal message? You can reach the author at catherine@psych2go.net. ♥


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8 Self Care Tips for When You Feel Broken. (2018). Power of Positivity. Retrieved April 26, 2018.

Altshul, S. (2012, December 5). The Healing Power of Pine. Health. Retrieved April 26, 2018.

Wise, A. (2014, June 22). Here’s Proof Going Outside Makes You Healthier. HuffPost. Retrieved April 26, 2018.

Zabala, S. (2017, December 2). 12 Self-Care Tips for Anyone Who Thinks They’re too Broke for It. Thought Catalog. Retrieved April 26, 2018.

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