Category: Social psychology
5 Main Reasons People Manipulate
Experts agree that we all manipulate at times. Sometimes we do it for the good of the people or situation, and sometimes we do it…
The Stanford Prison Experiment & The Psychology of Evil
Have you ever wondered why people are the way they are? What determines a person’s nature, and what could make someone evil or good? Philosophers,…
6 Unknown Childhood Trauma Triggers
This is a disclaimer that this article is for informative purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please reach out…
5 Signs You’re Dealing With An Emotionally Immature Person
Do you remember the last time your emotions got the best of you? Is it a comparable outburst when you were a child? In Erikson’s…
3 signs someone is suicidal, not just depressed
Did you know that every 11 minutes a person commits suicide? In the year 2020 Suicide ranked ninth as the leading cause of death for…
5 Ways How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Personality
Have you ever stopped to think about how your past may have affected your present? Or thought about how your personality may be impacted by…
Worried Someone Dislikes You? Look for These 6 Signs.
Do you feel like you are on murky grounds with that one person? Like you are not sure if they like you sometimes or hate…
5 Signs You’re Gaslighting Someone, Even If You Don’t Mean To
Did you know that the term ‘Gaslighting’ originated from a play in 1938? It was about a husband who manipulated his wife by playing with…
5 Signs Someone Is TOXIC, Not You
Beware toxic! Have you ever seen this sign placed somewhere? Yeah, usually it’s near electricity or a chemical area; however, you might be closer to…
8 Dating Hacks: How To Make A Great First Impression With Your Crush
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only. So picture this… you finally get a date with the person you’ve had your eye on for…
5 Signs you look more CHARMING than you think
Have you ever been under the weather and then when you see that person you immediately feel better, smiling as they approach? Such people…
How overthinking DESTROYS your life.
Our brains are designed to constantly turn over the possibilities and outcomes until we reach a definitive solution. It’s in our nature to think before…
8 Things That Hurt Your Mental Health
Hey, psych2goers! Do you often get the feeling of not being okay? Do you feel emotionally exhausted, stressed out, and sad, but when you try…
8 Signs You’re More Than Friends
Hello, It’s Priscilla here. I have a question for you all. Did Psi ever tell you if he has feelings for anyone? It’s just that he’s…
7 signs someone dislikes you (even if you don’t think so)
Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were friends with someone, but it turns out your feelings were only one-sided?…
If Your Crush Does These 6 Things, They Like You
Hey, Psych2Goers! Has your crush been acting a little different around you lately, but you can’t decide if it’s good different or bad different? It…
5 Types of People You Should Try to Avoid Dating
Disclaimer: This article is designed for educational purposes and personal interest. It is not suggesting that because people exhibit these signs, that you should not…
5 Signs You’re NOT An Introvert (But An Awkward Extrovert)
Do you have days where you feel like going out with your friends and some days where you just want to be warm on…