How to Manifest Peace in Difficult Times


Life can suck. Humanity can agree to that. We can all agree that there are times we feel that we are going at 100 miles an hour, with no breaks, and it seems as if the road will never end. The stress will never stop. The emptiness will never subside. And the constant thoughts of breaking down, but knowing the hard reality that that’s not possible is harsh. It can suck. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you have the drive to create that light. Below are listed 3 personal tips on how to manifest peace in difficult times.

How to Manifest Peace in Difficult Times

1. Change Your Perspective 

If you are at a difficult period of time in your life, the best method of manifesting peace is to change your perspective. When you change your perspective, you can change how a person, place, or thing affects you. Once you master your perspective on what causes you anxiety or sadness than those triggers no longer exist. Taking on a new mindset on how you view yourself and life can help manifest peace. According to Vartika Kashyap of

You have the choice to be happy or sad, complain or express gratitude, smile or frown, be productive or procrastinate, be a victim or a victor. Just remember that you always have a choice and it begins by changing the way you look at the things happening in your life.”

Practice: When you are going through a hard time simply say aloud: I don’t have to feel like this, I don’t have to think like this, and I don’t have to give this attention at all. The goal is to move on. Start now. 

2.  Create a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space for yourself to get away from external stress is another way to manifest peace. You are able to collect your thoughts and regroup. So having your go-to place to be yourself is rewarding. The space you choose doesn’t have to be large. It can even be inside your bedroom. Where you add attributes you associate with what brings you peace. Heather Askinosie of states: “You don’t need a spare room to make some grand sacred space in, either. Creating a sacred space is just about dedicating a specific area to the rejuvenation of your spirit.”

We all deserve a space in or outside our daily stresses to get back on our game. It’s almost vital. Creating a sacred space is taking a manifestation of peace and making it real. You will be on your way to total happiness.

3. Meditate

Meditation is a major key to manifesting peace. With meditation, you are able to detach from whatever difficult time you’re going through and focus on yourself. I didn’t realize how much I needed mediation until I was going through a difficult time after a toxic break-up. I was in a really dark space. But meditation every day helped me gain control. There are so many ways to meditate.  You can stand up or sit down. If getting in your bed and laying down is true to you, do that. Mediation is more about connecting with self than trying to do it the right way. A question to ask yourself: How do you move forward from your difficult situation? You don’t have to find that immediate answer to your question during your mediation. Just taking time to stop and process what occurred brings you to the forefront of change.

The MayoClinic. Org states, “Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.”

These three personal tips are a sure way to manifest peace during a difficult time. Changing your perspective, going to a sacred space, and mediating after a terrible day will help you navigate, and control your emotions. It will help you let go of what no longer serves you. And allow room for positive change. Begin today, you have nothing to lose.

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