7 Webcomics About Mental Health We Can All Relate To

Dealing with mental illness – whether it’s depression, anxiety, addiction, or even everyday stress – can be difficult to deal with, as we often feel alone in our struggle to feel better. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are many people who have experienced the same struggles you have, and some have even taken the time to share their stories – some funny, some sad – online.

These artists have used webcomics as platforms to help connect with viewers to tell them that mental illness – though tough to handle – can be overcome, and life can get better through the power of perspective (among other things).


Here are 7 webcomics about mental health that we can all totally relate to.


  1. Josie Doodles

Instagram – @josie.doodles

Creator – Josie Eadie

Status – Active

Josie Eadie is an Australian graphic designer who draws signature characters – a group of adorable little orb figures – and places them in relatable situations to all of us who know the pains of general anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem, social anxiety, and the overall struggles of daily living. Her comics are short and sweet and generally consist of a panel or two. Yet, even in their briefness, they shout out messages of self-love and positivity, reassuring their viewers that life’s stresses don’t have to prevent us from being ourselves and having a good time. Give Josie a follow on Instagram and get your daily dose of uplifting joy!


  1. Planetmclulu

Instagram – @planetmclulu

Creator – Lulu

Status – Active

This Instagram based webcomic centers around Lulu, the comic’s Swiss creator. Lulu’s self-drawn avatar speaks of the real-life experiences of her creator. While many of her comics are purely for comedic effect and the enjoyment of the viewer, Lulu also uses her drawings to explain psychological topics like therapy, panic disorder, and dealing with depression. She also opens her comment section up for Q&A sessions, where you can ask her anything!


  1. Sarah’s Scribbles

Instagram – @sarahandersencomics

Website – gocomics.com/sarahs-scribbles

Creator – Sarah Andersen

Status – Active. Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays

If you’re into charming webcomics of any form, you’ve probably already heard of Sarah’s Scribbles. The comic has gained such a following that its namesake, Sarah Andersen, has three published books cataloging her works – the latest of which is her book Herding Cats, which released this March. Anderson’s comics use self-deprecating humor to illustrate the struggles of dealing with adulthood. Andersen draws from her own experiences with body image, anxiety, relationships, and introversion to relate to her audience. Not sure what all the hype is about? Head to her Instagram page, you’ll be sure to figure it out!


  1. The Awkward Yeti

Instagram – @theawkwardyeti

Website – theawkwardyeti.com

Creator – Nick Seluk

Status – Active

The Awkward Yeti is a two-for-one! The comic follows Lars, a blue yeti with a fetching little bowtie who constantly finds himself stuck in hilariously awkward situations. This comic series is incredibly relatable to those of us who understand the perils of being socially awkward. The truly hilarious stars of this series are Brain and Heart – Lars’ brain and heart, to be exact – who act as Lars’ superego (brain), and id (heart). By using these two, as well as a cast of other internal body parts, Nick Seluk cleverly illustrates the inner workings of Lars’ (and extensively, Seluk’s) sub-consciousness and inner thoughts as he works through self-doubt and works toward self-love.


  1. Four Eyes

Comic Website – gocomics.com/four-eyes

Creator Website – gemmacorrell.com

Creator – Gemma Correll

Status – Active

Gemma Correll’s comic series contains a wide array of quirky comics chock full of puns, depression, anxiety-oriented content… and pugs. These clever comics contain depictions of gags like stress-inducing yoga (the worrier pose… get it?) and depression land, an amusement park that mirrors the trials and tribulations of chronic clinical depression. Not to be confused with laughing at mental illness, this comic is Correll’s creative view of these issues and how they affect us.


  1. Polyamory Isn’t For Everyone

Website – khalemchurstcomics.tumblr.com/post/148734310300/polyamory-isnt-for-everyone-page-1-and-so

Creator Website – khalemchurst.com

Creator – Khale McHurst

Status – Active

McHurst’s comics dive into serious territory. This comic is a narrative – an autobiographical account of a polyamorous relationship gone awry. You can’t help but empathize with McHurst as she recounts her past experience dating an abusive girlfriend, while their open relationship picked at her self-esteem. Polyamory Isn’t For Everyone covers topics like open relationships, verbal and physical abuse, depression, suicide, alcohol addiction and body image. While its content may be triggering to some who have experienced abuse, McHurst’s work is worth reading.


  1. I Do Not Have an Eating Disorder

Website –khalemchurstcomics.tumblr.com/post/144945267875/i-do-not-have-an-eating-disorder-p01-ive-been

Creator – Khale McHurst

Status – Active

Yes, Khale is on the list twice! In this comic, McHurst tells an equally important story to her tale in Polyamory Isn’t For Everyone. Another true story of hers, I Do Not Have an Eating Disorder (or IDNHAED, as McHurst calls it) is a telling of McHurst’s time living with anorexia and her struggle get better. This story dives deep into the physical and psychological effects of anorexia and binge-eating disorder, as well as what it takes to pave a road to recovery. This is a great read that those who struggle with disorders and addictions can connect with.


Do you see a series on this list that interests you? Give it a read! Do you have any webcomics that you follow that suit this list? Let us know in the comments section below!

Want more webcomics to read? You can check out our list of LGBT webcomics HERE. 



Edited by Viveca Shearin

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  1. This is an old article but there are so many webcomics here I haven’t read yet! :O Thank you so much for making this! Comics about mental health have been really piqued my interest as of late, there aren’t enough of them out there.

    Have you heard of webcomics called ‘Flightless Bird’ by Mango Avocado and ‘The Guide to a Healthy Relationship’ by Dani? They are posted on Tapas.io, and both focus on mental health.